Saturday, April 30, 2011

Inspirational Female Hispanic-americans

It is widely known that There are three candidates of the Front for Victory in the City of Buenos Aires. All three are in full media campaign and installation of their names. What is not clear is, as you can see in the picture, if one of them decided to camouflage or mischief is a company of billboards.

On the other hand, changing the subject, but not so much because I finally have the last option will be the one word, we declare our envy with a motorist who was driving this afternoon on Avenida Corrientes:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Heys Luggage Outlet Store

Today is .... Gignon San Luis Maria de Montfort, founder!!

"Whom God would make a very holy, very devoted to the Virgin Mary."
(St. Louis de Montfort)

is the founder of parents Montfort and the Sisters of Wisdom. Born in Montfort, France, in 1673. The eldest of a family of eight hijosDesde very young was a great devotee of the Blessed Virgin. At 12 years and people saw him spending time on his knees before the statue of the Mother of God. Before going to school in the morning and after school in the afternoon, going to kneel before the statue of Our Lady and there was as ecstatic. When he left the temple after de haber estado rezando a la Reina Celestial, sus ojos le brillaban con un fulgor especial.

Luis no se contentaba con rezar. Su caridad era muy práctica. Un día al ver que uno de sus compañeros asistía a clase con unos harapos muy humillantes, hizo una colecta entre sus compañeros para conseguirle un vestido y se fue donde el sastre y le dijo: "Mire, señor: los alumnos hemos reunido un dinero para comprarle un vestido de paño a nuestro compañero, pero no nos alcanza para el costo total. ¿Quiere usted completar lo que falta?". El sastre aceptó y le hizo un hermoso traje al joven pobre.

El papá de Luis María era sumamente colérico, un hombre muy violento. Psychologists say that if Montfort had not been so extremely devoted to the Virgin Mary, would have been an angry man, despotic and arrogant because he was the temperament he had inherited from his father. But nothing soothes roughness both male and goodness and kindness of a holy woman. And this was what saved the temperament of Louis. When his father burst into fits of bad temper, the young man took refuge there in lonely places and prayed to the Virgin amiable, Mother of the Lord. And it makes him throughout his life. In its 43 years, when misunderstood, persecuted, insulted with the utmost contempt, will always find peace in prayer to the Heavenly Queen, relying on powerful aid and relief in her maternal heart, penalties invading your child's heart.

achieved with great sacrifices to get to study how the most famous seminary in France, the seminary of St Sulpice in Paris. There emerged as a fully Marian seminarian. I felt great joy always keep flowers adorned the altar of the Blessed Virgin.

Louis Grignon de Montfort is a great pilgrim during his life as a priest. But when he was a seminarian granted a special trip to a shrine of Our Lady to those who excel in piety and study. And Roger has won this award. He went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Virgin at Chartres. And once there remained eight hours to pray on their knees, without moving. How could she spend so much time in prayer and of still? Is that he would not like some of us to pray as a beggar who asks to be away to attend quickie. He would chat with her two best friends, Jesus and Mary. And with them the hours seem like minutes.

wanted to celebrate his first Mass at an altar of the Virgin, and for many years the Cathedral of Notre Dame was their favorite temple and refuge.

San Luis Maria de MonfortMontfort devoted all his great qualities as a preacher and conductor of crowds to preach missions to convert sinners. Large crowds followed him from one village to another after each mission, praying and singing. He realized that the song check out many moods and lights the passion. He said that a mission without singing was like a body without a soul. The same composed the words to many songs to our Lord and the Virgin Mary and was singing to the crowds. Reached the most unlikely places and people asked: "Do you love the Lord?" And why not love him more? Offend the good God? And why offend if so holy? ".

was any fire to preach. Where Montfort came, sin was to run away. But it was not he who was getting conversions. It was the Virgin Mary, whom constantly invoked. She prayed to Jesus and Jesus changed hearts. After a few retreats wrote, "is born in me a boundless confidence in our Lord and his Blessed Mother." I was not afraid or bars, or gambling sites, or places of perdition. There he was determined to try to remove souls to the devil. And traveling confident because never went alone. It took the crucifix and the image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus and behaved with him as formidable defenders.

A charity walk and went to Rome, asking God for the efficacy of the word, and obtained such So to hear his sermons turned even the most hardened sinners. Pope Clement XI received him very kindly and gave him the title "Apostolic Missionary" with permission to preach everywhere.

in every town or village where he preached tried to stop a cross, built on site would be visible to walkers and left in all a great love for the sacraments and the Holy Rosary. This does not forgive the Jansenist heretics who claimed that there was almost never receive the sacraments because they are not worthy to receive them. And with this theory as harmful cooled much faith and devotion. And as Louis de Montfort said the opposite and worked to spread the frequent confession and communion and a great devotion to Our Lady, chasing him everywhere. But he well remembered those words of Jesus: "The disciple is not above his master. If they persecuted me and I have invented many things, so I will treat you." And our saint was glad because the persecutions became more akin to the Divine Master.

Before going to dangerous areas or places where much has sinned, he prayed fervently to the Blessed. Virgin, and below that "where the Mother of God is, there is no devil to resist." People who had been victims of doom and be amazed by the way as frank as he spoke the man of God. And the Virgin Mary was responsible for achieving effectiveness in their preaching.

St. Louis de Montfort founded a religious communities who have made immense good in the souls. Parents Montfort (whose farm he named "Company of Mary") and the Sisters of Wisdom.

San Luis died April 28, 1716, at the age of 43, exhausted from so much work and preach.

San Luis's book, A Treatise of True Devotion to the Virgin Mary, has spread worldwide with great benefit to your readers.

Pope John Paul II took as his motto a phrase he repeated a lot of this great saint:
"I'm all yours, O Mary, and all I have, yours is."


St. Louis Grignon de Montfort, pray to the Blessed Virgin
send us many apostles who, like you, are engaged
to do and love more and more like Jesus.

Sources: Divine Illumination

Catholic Saints
Ángel Corbalán

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can I Refinance My House With Negative Equity

The sound of the empty wagon ......

"La humildad es algo muy extraño. En el momento mismo en el que creemos tenerla ya la hemos perdido." (San Agustin de Hipona)

Cuenta mi amigo Curro que hace algunos años siendo mozalbete caminaba con su padre, cuando él se detuvo en una curva y después de un pequeño silencio preguntó al joven:
“ Además del cantar de los pájaros, escuchas alguna cosa más?”.

Curro, agudizó sus oídos y algunos segundos después le respondió: "I hear the sound of a cart ...."

"That is" - said the father "is an empty wagon" .

Curro, with some astonishment, asked his father: "As you know it's an empty cart if you do not see it?".

Then his father replied:
"It's very easy to know when a cart is empty, because of noise. The more empty the wagon the greater the noise it makes. "

Curro was a few years, he grew up and until today, when a person shout talking too much, interrupting the conversation of all, being inappropriate, boasting that he has, feeling arrogant and looking down upon people, Curro, you seem to hear the voice of his father, saying:

"The more empty the cart, the higher the noise it makes. "

Humility is to silence our strengths and allow others to discover.

not forget that there are people so poor that all they have is money.

Nobody is empty, that he who is full of "Myself" . Let

calm and gentle rain that reaches deep into the roots, quietly nurturing. I

Curro says with all the love in the world.

Sources: Divine Illumination

Curro Things

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Babysitter Small Penis Stories


Yesterday was presented at the Casa Rosada animation that has a didactic history of Argentina's foreign debt. This cartoon is produced official of the Foreign Debt Museum dependent, also officially, Faculty of Economics, University of Buenos Aires.
As presented in the House by the President's Office, immediately appropriating the property of the Journal, which announces as "a film of the Government" and "k version of the external debt."
However, when a few months ago without any official academic institutions, a group of professors criticized the INDEC, the same newspaper titled
"Hard UBA report." Never mind that in the body of the same note the same newspaper described it as a simple report of experts.
A handling more of the title, headings and tituleros (?) Of Clarín and go ....

Break Lock In Vip Bags

"XXI century Christians have to live as resurrected."

My dear diocesan : Happy Easter 2011!

Christ is risen! Easter makes us burst with joy. Joy is truly new. Radiate joy, hope against hope. Living the indescribable and unspeakable joy of the Risen Christ's presence and live among us people and everyday life. Living

Easter is to be in permanent transit to true joy and spread the world again, in this concrete world, sometimes in sorrow and disappointment of true joy and hope that flows from the living presence of the Risen Christ .

think it is necessary that each of us associate with our paschal journey to the big step, the great leap of the entire people of God. Christ the head, has already passed from this world to the Father, now each of the members of his mystical body has to be happening. In his own image, each has to go and jump off this world to the Father. The resurrection of Christ is the guarantee of our future resurrection.

We go every day dying and rising. Every Easter makes it possible for the Lord's strength, we can live, suffer, work, live and die in a full and true joy.

Every Easter is like a calling and sending to the mission. We twenty-first century Christians have to live as resurrected. Live as resurrected involves two basic things: to bring comfort and joy and encourage missionaries. The resurrected man has the joy of the resurrection to those who are filled with fear, disappointment, discouragement and hopelessness. The lack of hope is the opposite of the resurrection and dangerous. The man raised him above all, on the other hand the desperate need it all because it will be their consolation, when we live as resurrected looking for someone to evangelize and bring the joy and comfort.

This Easter 2011, on the occasion of World Youth Day, you young people are the ones who have to communicate to all other young people's presence and the joy of the Risen Christ. You young people, you are irreplaceable in this task of evangelization, evangelizing young people for young people.

The resurrection of Christ awakens a new and different life, another way of looking at life and, therefore, to another form to see people and things that exist around us, get to live as resurrected is to reach what we call the core, the essence of what is the life God has given each of us. The important thing for men rose only is evangelization, bringing the Good News of the Gospel. This completely covers the existence of a person. Let us live for, as resurrected! Live like new men, full of hope, able to bring joy and comfort, and promote new evangelistic this XXI century!

I wish you a Happy Easter!

+ Antonio Ceballos Atienza

Bishop of Cádiz and Ceuta

Monday, April 25, 2011

Johnny G Comp Spinner

Today is ... San Marcos Evangelista! JESUS \u200b\u200bHAS RISEN

Author of the second Gospel, its symbol is the winged lion.

is the patron of lawyers, notaries, stained glass artists, the captive, Egypt and Venice.

San Marcos Evangelista. According to church tradition, Mark, also called simply John Mark or John, is the author of a gospel and the interpreter who translated for Peter in his preaching against the Greek-speaking audiences. The son of a certain Mary, whose house in Jerusalem was open to the early Christian community. Cousin of Barnabas He was probably as priestly lineage.
states on the one hand the tradition that Mark had never personally heard the preaching of the Lord, but then many have tried to discover in the boy who ran away naked in the Garden of Gethsemane, an episode that only the gospel attributed to him concerned. May have known the group of fans without being properly disciple.

At the beginning of the expansion of the gospel, Paul and Barnabas came to Antioch from Jerusalem, taking with them Marco, he accompanied them on their first missionary enterprises, Cyprus and Perge, from which he returned for unknown reasons.

Barnabas, willing to take Mark with them again when the apostle was planning his second trip, was opposed by Paul, who went alone.
Marcos continued, then, once again Barnabas to Cyprus. However, Marcos reappears next to Paul in Rome, but was rather a belief that a disciple of Peter, who confirmed this assumption by calling him "son" of his in his first letter.

The Gospel attributed to him, also closely follows the outline of the speeches of Peter who has preserved the Acts of the Apostles.

know nothing about its future existence. The second letter to Timothy it says peer This disciple of Paul, according to a fact that reflects the historian Eusebius of Caesarea (early fourth century), the Church of Alexandria would have had the founder. His last years and the place of his death are unknown to us. San Marcos

EvangelistaEl short story that bears his name finds a spirit observer and agile. Only Mark, for example, emphasizes the greenness of the grass on which Jesus did lay to the hungry crowd before multiplying the loaves and fishes for the first time.

The broad lines of his gospel, meanwhile, inequalities reflecting deep historical credibility and demonstrate unique theological value. Mark begins by presenting Jesus well received by people, but soon his humble messianism, so far from claiming ownership of the Jewish people's expectations, resulting in mass deception, first-off the excitement, the Lord withdraws from Galilee to devote himself to the instruction of disciples, who by the mouth of Peter confess the divinity of his Master.

From this recognition of Caesarea, the whole story is focused on Jerusalem in the holy city, finally, the opposition grows, culminating in the unjust trial and passion, which reaches its successful response when Christ leaves his tomb, according to what he had prophesied of himself.

The messianic secret, Mark makes the central theme, thus giving all the fruit: Jesus, Servant humiliated by the evil and ignorance of men who had come to rescue him, is exalted by God, as it will be all that he is a heart and follow him along the way, the only one to understand that Good News of Jesus Christ, Son of God "Mark has aired in a popular language, often incorrect in form, but lively and full charm. Prayer

Oh God! That sublime your San Marcos Evangelista with the grace of preaching the Gospel; Bestow we beseech you that we always take advantage of his teachings and be defended by his intercession. So be it. Plea

I pray Lord that your sacred mysteries we continued to render assistance, and the pleas of San Marcos Evangelista, always defend us from all adversity. By Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it. Invocation

San Marcos, pray for us.

Sources: Divine Illumination

Catholic Saints Angel Corbalán

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What To Write On Tombstone For Halloween

. Let us rejoice, JESUS \u200b\u200bLIVES !!!!!!!

Bad news, yes, with capital letters, is that Jesus is risen . Of all in homilies and commentaries, as well as explaining Evangeliolo go.
The other, other news is that the miracle has not come back ..... only our Blog Parrroquial that for 8 days was dessparecido. As if in the parable of the Good Shepherd, Jesus has brought the lost ... The Parish Blog of St. Garcia Abad.
A is a source of great joy?. I mean the RESURRECTION OF JESUS. ... The other thing is not so important.

Jesus was right

What the followers of Jesus felt when we dare to really believe that God raised Jesus? What do we live as we walk in their footsteps? How do we communicate with him when we experience full of life?

risen Jesus, you were right. It is true what you told us of God. Now we know that is a faithful Father, worthy of confidence. A God who loves us beyond death. We continue to call "Father" with more faith than ever, as you taught us. We know that we do not disappoint.

risen Jesus, you were right. Now we know that God is the friend of life. Now we begin to understand better your passion for a healthier life, just and happy for everyone. Now we understand which valued the health of patients to any rule or religious tradition. Following your steps, we will live life healing and alleviating suffering. Religion will always serve the people.

risen Jesus, you were right. Now we know that God does justice to the innocent victims in the triumph of life over death, good over evil, truth over lies, love over hate. We will continue fighting against evil, lies and hatred. Always seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We know it's the first thing the Father wants from us.

risen Jesus, you were right. Now we know that God identifies with the crucified, never the perpetrators. We begin to understand why you were always with the mourners and defending both the poor, the hungry and despised. Defend the weak and vulnerable, the abused and neglected by society and religion. Henceforth, we will hear better your call to be compassionate as your heavenly Father.

risen Jesus, you were right. Now we begin to understand your words a little more hard and strange. We begin to sense that he who loses his life for you and your gospel, will save them. Now we understand why invite us to follow until the end of each day carrying the cross. We will continue to suffer a bit for you and your gospel, but soon we will share the Father's embrace.

risen Jesus, you were right. Are alive for as long as you do this in our midst when we met two or three in your name. Now we know that we are not alone, that you accompany us as we walk towards the Father. Hear your voice when you read your gospel. We will feed you when you celebrate your dinner. You will be with us until the end of time.

Christ, we know you're alive

1 .- This is our day

"Rejoice our Mother the Church, clothed in light so bright," sings the Easter proclamation. "This is the day that the Lord is our joy and our joy," proclaims the liturgy. Yes, today is our biggest day. Easter is Easter, "Risen Christ, our hope." It reveals the paschal candle flame reminds of the baptismal water, sings the Alleluia us.

Such effusion is required to be in tune with the Day of Resurrection. (Would be a pity if, as sometimes happens, we stay anchored in the Christ suffering of Good Friday). This Easter is the hyperbole of the love of God, and so exaggerate the joy. It was the first day of the week, the first dawn, the first time the sun rose on a Sunday, was the first Sunday of the story. Today is the Day of the Lord, for Christ has risen. The Resurrection of Christ is central to our faith. "If Christ is not risen, we are the most miserable of men," explains Paul.

Because Jesus was not devoured by death, our life has an output horizon and hope. Because the man is wondering: What's behind the door of death? Just the emptiness and nothingness? Or will something or someone to wait for us down the road? What about mine who were willing to follow me? And how to explain the pain and suffering of so many innocent people? Questions as legitimate, so human.

2 .- Only the faith of many witnesses

Above the imbalances in the narrative of events, according to the different evangelists, there is a clear reality: Christ, the Crucified One, has risen. Only the testimony of those who believed, only by faith, we believe, what we feel and live.

parade many witnesses. In the first row of women. The disciples abandon Jesus, and while, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome are the faithful witnesses. Always, the same journey of faith will embalm the dead, not the encounter with the Risen. Then comes the shock and fear, before the announcement "You seek the Crucified? Has risen. " While awaiting confirmation of the death of Jesus, I amazed with the news that he is alive. Jesus comes to meet us and says "Go and announce to the brethren." Finally, faith-filled, they go running to tell the apostles ... "But they believed it was a rave!". How happy spiritual path; depression without hope that joy which was so large, needs to communicate.

The Resurrection of Jesus is not a miracle, is a mystery. Because it is not resuscitate "back to life like Lazarus. DNR is entering a new life, is to leave time for eternity. In Jesus, Death and Resurrection are two points in the same path: to revive dying, resurrected from the dead. Jesus is "the living."

The good news is that Jesus is resurrected. He is the first for the dying. Those who die in Christ are raised with Christ. In life and in death we belong to God. Let no one doubt. All profess so much happiness.

3 .- Ready to resurrect Joy

Since Christ was resurrected, the name of Christians is joy. "Peca, who on this day (Sunday) is sad" (Didascalia).
is true that pain and death flow through all walks of life. But hope is always with us. The joy in pain is the name of peace and comfort, with Jesus, the edges are filed and remove the torn face of suffering.
We are not fanatics, we mourn the death penalty and one of us, but we have the balm of hope. Feeling the risen Jesus, we follow "until death" because know where it ends.

is Sunday and Easter Sunday

always go hand in hand. On this Sunday is a Sunday every Sunday of the year, and is not a light play of words. The Eucharist of "Lord's Day" is the presence among us of the Resurrection. From the time of the apostles in the "first day of the week" met "for the breaking of bread." Who called that provision a loving impulse of the heart is a believer? Also we can say, like Peter, "" ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. " Sunday is to "dress up" for joy, for sport, for the family, for charity. Witnesses


Those who have risen with Christ "seek things above", we are called to sow resurrection: we hope in pain, put life in death, we rejoice in the death . If we believe in the Risen Christ, our life is Easter, pass from death to life. "Like the grain of wheat, which, dying, gives a thousand fruits. As the olive branch, who beat the inclement. As the sun was hidden and alive in the dawn, "revives the Christian and his step resurrect things. (In the terrorist attack of 11 M in Madrid, with so much death and pain, raised the best treasures the human heart with kindness, compassion, dedication).

Is this what we mean when we say that we are witnessing the resurrection of the Lord?

Happy Easter

Gospel of John 20:1-9.

the first day of the week, at dawn, when it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed.
ran to meet Simon Peter and another disciple whom Jesus loved, and said: "They have taken away the Lord and do not know where they laid him."
Peter and the other disciple went out and went to the tomb.
ran together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived earlier.
Peering into the pit, he saw the burial cloths, but did not enter.
Then Simon Peter came, following him, and entered the tomb and saw the burial cloths,
and the shroud that had covered his head, this was not with the burial cloths but rolled up in one place apart.
Then came the other disciple, who had come before the tomb, he also saw and believed.
still had not understood that, according to Scripture, he must rise from the dead.

Word of God.


The theme is: "Jesus Christ: Children in the Son." focus should be on the second person of the Trinity and then see how we are sons in the Son. As we all know the life of Jesus Christ, the mystery of being man and God, I am going to focus more on the second idea: we are children in the child.

part of the Trinity. In our religion we believe in a God who is not a loner, but they are three: the Father. Son and Holy Spirit. All three live in perfect harmony and coexistence. Each has a mission "ad extra" (not together): The Father made the Creation and attended the People's History of Israel, the Son became flesh and made the redemption of mankind, is best known by all us by the Holy Spirit is the sanctification of the Church. In the Trinity each person is constituted by the relationship with the other two persons: the Father is the origin, the Son of the Father is dependent, the Holy Spirit of Love is the climate in which they relate to the Father and the Son.

other hand, introducing the theme: "Children in the Son", it noted that the highest aspiration of man is happiness, personal fulfillment. This we can only find happiness in God. Notice that the human being is a continual search for happiness, everything he does, albeit confused and do evil to himself, is to seek happiness. Happiness is not in power, in having, at the benefit on the project, the immediate and full satisfaction of the senses, the escape from reality ... Philosophers say (Zubiri) that human beings are constitutively ontologically "Relegated" to God. Can only be happy as you discover that relationship with God and do in your life. So that man will naturally tend to want to discover God is your life, because it is something inherent.

addition, the Christian religion, the natural relationship with God has exalted to a superior relationship by baptism, by which we become children of God, or rather I should say that we become children in Son. This means that if the human being enters into a relationship with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, comes to terms through the Son, now and in eternity. (For example, if the Holy Trinity is playing the run and the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit go around holding hands, man joins the circle, that relationship with God, without which they can move out of his hand, holding on to Jesus Christ.)

Through the sacrament of Baptism makes us children of God, we are immersed - that means baptism - in the bowels of Jesus Christ. Through baptism we are incorporated into Christ. Or with a happy expression, more suggestive, we are grafted into Christ. Hence the expression "sons in the Son." You know that the graft is to introduce a branch or a branch of apple, for example, in a pear tree trunk. So that the trunk of pear communicates his wise the apple industry and is gradually transformed, until the fruit is produced as a mixture of apple and pear. We could say that we are grafted into Christ and Christ is slowly passing us his wise, grace, until he is slowly transforming our human nature and is making us children of God, divine nature, without taking away our nature but fulfill itself.

so that the reality is that a baptism is a new being, new life: a child of God in Jesus Christ. This new reality can be expressed in different images: Christ is the vine and we are the branches. Christ is the center, the "mother" the key, the strain that distributes his grace the branches so they can bear fruit, so that a separate branch of the vine does not bear fruit and dried. Another image is that all the baptized we are the Body of Christ, Christ is the head and we, the Church, are members of His Body. The head is in control of all members. Where the head are also members, where it happens, it happens the body. Another current image that comes to mind is we're plugged into an electrical Christ: Christ transmits electrical power so that we can exercise our function.

In this new being in Christ has various consequences:

1 ª This new be, this new life, is not autonomous, does not work automatically, or developed by itself. This new scent is entitled to a new existence. We are dealing with our freedom to make that new life to flourish. Pope once said that "not all Christians are baptized" by which he noted that not all the baptized belong to their baptismal vocation. There are many who are baptized and did not want to hear about the Church. Today many are living what might be called the "syndrome of separate branch."

2 ª If we are sons in the Son, we are children, God is our Father and we are brothers. It could more familiar. Christ revealed that God is our Father, not for us to be distant and oblivious of us, it is our Father. We are your children, loved dependence, we can not make our life without him. All his children are brothers, called to build universal brotherhood.

3 rd If we are grafted into Christ, Christ is transmitting its grace from the moment of baptism, so we carry within us the divine life as a seed. Within us is growing a life, we as God's pregnant. The Christian life is to become aware of this new life she carries within it and work with God to draw out that life abroad: is done in thought, word and work, to walk to the poor as God, look how God looks at man and the world, we value the events as God does ... (Even the pores tend to ooze to God) to live as we are, children of God.

4 th If we are the Body of Christ for all members of this body circulates the blood, ie solidarity among us in grace, which has its highest expression in a collective salvation. We're going to save as members of the body, together, we will save as components of the same cluster, collectively. Therefore, no personal works for salvation (good deeds, Masses ...) We all together is this boat which is the Church and we must all work together to come to fruition. However, if I must say that if we are saved individually, if we can convict an individual basis.

5 th If we are sons in the Son means also that we have no direct relationship with God, but we only relate to God in Jesus, Jesus. Today, as I said before it is given "separate branch syndrome", that is the syndrome "I confess to God", ie not allowing the mediation in the relationship with God with the myriad dangers that entails. Only through Jesus, through the Church he founded Jesus through the sacraments instituted by Jesus, we can relate to God. Disparaging these mediations would despise the person of Jesus Christ and the mystery of the incarnation.

The centrality of our faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, his life and his message. Is the one that has approached us. Is that it has become like us. In it were created, it were regenerated by baptism, in him we live and move and exist, it will be resurrected, it will be inserted into the bosom of God ...

Divine Illumination Holy Bible

Pedro Crespo Arias
Conrado Bueno, Angel cmf

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hot Pink Poofy Prom Dress

Humor countryman: The turtle in the pole.


A young man is walking through the street of a village and decided to take a break.
He sits on a bench ... next there is a man older and, of course, begin to talk about the country, government, and finally on the Legislators and the like.

Mr. Young tells:
- "You know -
After a short time, the young man replied:
- "do not quite understand the analogy ... What does that mean, sir?"

Then the Lord explained
"If you walk through the countryside and see a turtle on top of a fencepost, balancing "
What's wrong?
Seeing the face of misunderstanding of the young, continues with his explanation:
- First: Do not understand how it got there.
- Second: You will not believe it is there.
- Third: You know you could not have gone there alone.
- Fourth: Make sure that it should not be there.
- Fifth: You will be aware that it will not do anything useful while you are there.
"So the only sensible would help her down. "



This is an election year in our Argentina, trying to be responsible and aware at the time of voting, not to give power to those who are unable or who are enemies of the Common Good

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can I Refinance With Negative Equity 2010

So now is not shit, shit! Necochea

We both called attention to this poster that we could not but take a picture. The idea was to make some comments here, but to search the Internet to their authors we opened a world truly unknown and fascinating (?). It
Piquetera the Revolutionary Tendency is a group expelled from the Labour Party and now mostly devoted to talk to ... Workers Party.
seems that the fundamental difference between the group expelled and official conduct is that the latter has shifted to anti-capitalism! Horror! According to Trend be less revolutionary anti-capitalist is to propose a workers' government. Then say: Down with the anti-capitalism!. Sounds hilarious, considering that this slogan implies explicit support capitalism. But more hilarious are the points you intend to PO in your poster with consistency, depth and specificity (?) That, from the estudiantazo Viva! up governing the workers!
Now remember that these boys (and girls) had drawn a poster in which they called "Breaking Cristina" (!). Obviously it was not very effective.
So no, not like, shit, shit!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mary's Burning At The Stake Images

.. Today is Palm Sunday !!!!!


There is still called "Semana Santa", but it has disappeared almost completely the climate as "special" these days that was felt among us with the elimination of cinemas and shows, holding processions and religious programming on radio and TV
Today there are many who take advantage of these dates to move away from home and enjoy a short break in a quiet corner. Somehow, Holy Week is to be for many such "spring break" to allow further work until the summer break. This new social climate
vacation and rest does not have to prevent believers a worthy celebration of the central mysteries of his faith. The important thing is to learn to live Holy Week responsibly combining intelligent that much needed break with the celebration of the liturgy alive. Here are some suggestions.

The first is scheduled so that we can take part in celebrations for each day. It is not difficult approach a church environment, to inform us of the times, to stop our trip in the right place. It is always a rewarding experience to share their faith with people of other nations.

will participate in celebrations simple, but shot through with deep popular piety and liturgy live kept in a monastery. The important thing is our personal involvement. Hence the convenience of being on time for the celebration, have an appropriate place in the temple, listen carefully to the Word of God within, to live the liturgical gestures, singing with the heart.
Maybe we can also find a place for silence, prayer and meeting God. We help you rest more harmonious and complete. The possibilities are endless: silent prayer before the tabernacle on the evening of Thursday, relaxed reading of the Passion of the Lord in a sheltered home, grateful eyes to the crucifix, the concert sacred or religious music that lifts our hearts to God.
Holy Week has always culminate in the celebration of Easter on Saturday night. It is a shame to see that many Christians who celebrate the days before the Lord's death, unaware of the celebration of his resurrection, the most important and central to all Christian worship.

rediscover its deep content can be for many a rejuvenating experience.
The paschal candle lit in the middle of the night, the solemn invitation to experience the joy of Easter, the joyous proclamation of the resurrection of Christ, the joyful singing of the Alleluia, the thankful celebration of the Eucharist, are the best invitation to resurrect a new life.

you download NO CROSS

As the Gospel account, which passed before the crucified Jesus mocked him, laughing at his suffering, he made two suggestions sarcastic: If you are the Son of God " save yourself "and" get down from the cross. " That is exactly our
reaction to suffering: to save ourselves, just thinking of our welfare and therefore avoid the cross, spend our lives avoiding anything that can make us suffer. Is God like that? Anyone who thinks only of himself and his happiness?
Jesus did not respond to the challenge of making fun of him. Do not pronounce a word. Is not the time to explain. His answer is silence. A silence that is respect for those who despise him, understanding of blindness and, above all, compassion and love.
Jesus only breaks his silence to address God with a piercing cry: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Not prompted to save the lowering of the cross. Just do not be hidden, or leave him at the moment of death and extreme suffering. And God, the Father remains silent.
Just listening to the end that silence of God, we discover something of its mystery. God is a mighty and triumphant, peaceful and happy, oblivious to human suffering, but a silent God, helpless and humiliated, suffering with us the pain, darkness and even death.
Therefore, in contemplating the crucified, our reaction is to ridicule or contempt, but confident and grateful prayer:
"Do not you get off the cross. Do not leave us alone in our grief.
What a God we serve did not know our cross? Who could understand us? "Who do
might expect tortured many secret prisons?
Where could put their hope so humiliated and abused women without defense? Why
grab him chronically ill and dying?
who could offer comfort to victims of many wars, terrorism, hunger and misery?
No. No you get off the cross because if you do not feel "crucified" with us, we will be more "lost."


Early Christians knew. His faith in a crucified God could only be regarded as a scandal and folly. Who had thought of saying something so absurd and horrific of God? Any religion ever has dared to confess something similar.
Certainly, the first thing we all discovered in the crucified at Golgotha, unjustly tortured to death by the religious authorities and political power, is the destructive force of evil, cruelty, hatred and fanaticism of the lie. But that's precisely at that innocent victim, the followers of Jesus we see God identified with the victims of all time. Stripped of all power
dominator of all aesthetic beauty, of all successful political and religious aura all, God reveals himself in the purest and unfathomable mystery, as love and only love. Does not exist and God is never a cold, listless and indifferent. Only a God who suffers with us, our sufferings suffer and die our death.
The Crucified God is not a God powerful controller, which is subject to their sons and daughters are always looking for glory and honor. God is a humble, patient, respectful to the end of human freedom, but we abuse time and time again of his love. Prefer to be a victim of things rather than executioner.
The Crucified God is not God's righteous, resentful and vengeful that is still troubling la conciencia de no pocos creyentes. Desde la cruz, Dios no responde al mal con el mal. "En Cristo está Dios, no tomando en cuenta las transgresiones de los hombres, sino reconciliando al mundo consigo" (2 Corintios 5,19). Mientras nosotros hablamos de méritos, culpas o derechos adquiridos, Dios nos está acogiendo a todos con su amor insondable y su perdón.
Este Dios crucificado se revela hoy en todas las víctimas inocentes. Está en la cruz del Calvario y está en todas las cruces donde sufren y mueren los más inocentes: los niños hambrientos y las mujeres maltratadas, los torturados por los verdugos del poder, los explotados por nuestro bienestar, los olvidados por nuestra religión.
Los cristianos still celebrating the crucified God, never to forget the "mad love" of God to mankind and to keep alive the memory of all crucified. It is a scandal and folly. However, for those who follow Jesus and believe in the redemptive mystery that lies in his death, is the force that sustains our hope and our struggle for a more humane world. ENDS


End of Lent and Holy Week begins this Sunday, both Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday, as a hinge. The branches that put us in more or less triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. We party. But seamless Mass readings bring us the story of the Passion of Jesus. And they do not end up in the resurrection but in the burial of Jesus beaten and abandoned by all but two women, Mary Magdalene and the "other Mary" and a group of soldiers to the chief priests and the Pharisees were responsible for putting there to make sure no one will steal the corpse. And then silence. Nothing more.

But in the middle we have the detailed account of the last hours of Jesus. Discuss in its entirety and with all the details would take us too. The invitation is to read it personally, to make such a prayerful reading in a moment of silence to allow the heart to sprout feelings accompany Jesus in this painful way that takes him from the last supper until his death on the cross.

But perhaps there should highlight just a few points to emphasize them in our prayers:

• The institution of the Eucharist is done in the context of Jesus' farewell. Jesus and the disciples ate together many times. But it has a special meaning. Check the delivery of the life of Jesus for us. The bread and wine are food for our journey as Jesus himself becomes food for us.

• The disciples did not have very clear when they are living. In the Garden of Olives shall sleep no problem. They do not realize that the spirit and decided to but the flesh is weak. Meanwhile Jesus really lives his passion, experience the abandonment of their own and loneliness. The betrayal of Judas will only confirm that abandonment. Before him only the cup offered by the Father. In the end, it reaffirms its commitment: "Thy will."

• At trial before the Jewish authorities to the bottom experiencing what may be the injustice of men who act based only on their interests. Jesus is already doomed. Only try to find excuses and reasons justifying the decision previously taken. Pilate's what needs no comment. Like many leaders, guided by opinion polls rather than the pursuit of justice.

• We have already alluded to abandonment. At the time of arrest all the disciples, they had been sleeping peacefully, they fled and left him. Peter is barely able to keep a distance. But when facing the last servant of the palace, shamelessly denies belonging to the group of Jesus. He knows nothing, knows nothing. He just happened to be walking by. Three times denied knowing Jesus. Her tears of repentance, when he hears singing rooster do not cover the facts: a coward and traitor. Not much better than Judas, of course. And then there was the first pope, according to tradition.

• The soldiers had a great time with Jesus. The sport of taking advantage of the weak, laugh at them, is widespread. At all levels of society. Sure we have all participated in it sometime. It is worse that the soldiers did. They were bored and put them to Jesus to have fun with it.

• On the cross the abandoned remains. People who sees it will ridicule him. Even the robbers who were crucified with him reviled him. But Jesus remains faithful to the end. Feel the pain of abandonment, but still refers to his Father in his words.

• The time of death needs no comment. Just a quiet time. And look, if we dare, facing the cross. And feel the pain of Jesus and the pain of the world, the accumulated pain of many innocent people and so many injustices. And hold unswervingly to the hope in him. Like Jesus.

It only remains open our hearts to the experiences of Holy Week that begins today. Taking the pain of the world in all its forms and knowing we committed to God until the end of the Kingdom, for reconciliation, for life, for justice. Leaving us in this life. Like Jesus. In the hope that the God of Life not disappoint us.

Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem:

When he came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, Jesus asked his disciples to bring a donkey and rode him. Before he entered Jerusalem, people spread their cloaks on the road and others cut branches from trees carpeting the step as used to greet the king.

those who went before and after Jesus cried out:
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest!"

entered the city of Jerusalem, which was the largest city and capital of their nation, and many people, children and adults, accompanied him and received him like a king with palms and shouting "Hosanna" which means "Viva." The townspeople wondered who is this? and answered them: "It is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth in Galilee." This was his entrance.

The crowd that followed him was composed of men, women and children, each with your name, occupation, its good and bad, and with the same interest to follow Jesus. Some of these people had been present in the miracles of Jesus and had heard his parables. This led them to praise Him with palm branches in hands when he entered Jerusalem.

were many who followed Christ in this moment of triumph, but few who accompanied him in his passion and death.

"Meanwhile, the Jewish priests seeking pretexts to put him in jail because they were afraid to see how people loved him more and as they had hailed the entry into Jerusalem. COMMENT

This year everything is certainly marked by the World Youth Day in Madrid in August, in a special way, even our Easter. Let me explain why I see it.

Benedict XVI's Message for this day: "Rooted and built up in Christ. Strong in faith," says he comes to confirm our faith with the idea that Europe recover its Christian roots, amid circumstances of relativism and secularism. Ie where there are no principles valid for all and where many people think that life can arise apart from God, as if a "eclipse" to cover God or, even, sometimes, an explicit rejection.

to stand firm in faith, it follows from its Post and its statements that it is essential that young people, that any Christian, has experience of God is Christ.

It turns out that in organizing these Days outstanding is an act which is a Via Crucis. If sometimes our guilds are complaining that not enough value their way of living the faith, when we try to make a correction, now the pope is going to put the best "showcase" of the season.

To express the belief that the peoples of Spain and if we can spread our popular religiosity, valid for encouraging the encounter with Christ in the World Youth Day, August 19 at 19:30 pm Via Crucis will be one of the following steps of Holy Week English:

1 .- Last Supper. Murcia. Francisco Salzillo.

2 .- Judas Kiss. Malaga. Antonio Castillo Lastrucci.

3 .- Denials of Peter. Orihuela (Alicante) Federico Collaut-Valera. 4 .-

sentenced Jesus to death. Madrid. Anonymous.

5 .- Jesus carrying the cross. Madrid. Joseph R. Fernandez-Andes.

6 .- Jesus falls under the weight of the Cross. Úbeda (Jaén). Mariano Benlliure.

7 .- Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross. Lion. Anonymous.

8 .- Veronica wipes Jesus' face. Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). Francisco Pinto.

9 .- Jesus stripped of his garments. Granada. Manuel Ramos Corona.

10 .- Jesus on the Cross. Zamora. Ramon Alvarez.

11 .- Jesus dies on the Cruz. Malaga. Francisco Palma Burgos.

12 .- The Descent. Cuenca. Luis Marco Perez.

13 .- Jesus in the arms of his mother. Valladolid. Gregorio Fernández.

14 .- Jesus is buried. Segovia. Gregorio Fernández.

15 .- La Dolorosa. Sevilla. Luisa Roldán

Knowing the status of de-Christianization of Europe, and how religious analysts point out that in Spain the rate of the faith has not fallen as much as in neighboring countries, due, perhaps, in popular religion: Devotion to the Virgin, processions of Holy Week ... this option for making a Via Crucis at the meeting Youth with the Pope is like to be proud of our traditions, ecclesially lived, and a call to the responsibility to live these expressions of faith.

is also true that, so that that encounter with Christ, this popular religiosity ecclesially be lived with a sense of belonging to the Church, Christian formation, with charity to the needy, with the celebration of the sacraments. At street level, we see as the initial spark that religion usually goes quickly because it lacks those elements which, moreover, are being supplemented by folk looking to shine and tourism.

He described the Pope, in his message the day, what should be our personal experience of faith:

"We firmly believe that Jesus Christ gave on the Cross to offer her love his passion, borne our griefs, carried our sins, we got the pardon and reconciled us with God the Father, opening the way to eternal life. Thus, we have been freed from what most gripped our lives: the slavery of sin, and we love everyone, even our enemies, and share this love with poor brothers and difficulty.

Dear friends, the cross often frightens us, because it seems to be the negation of life. It is actually otherwise. Is "yes" from God to man, the ultimate expression of love and the source of the wellspring of eternal life. In fact, open heart of Jesus on the cross has broken the divine life, always available for those who agree to look at the Crucified. So, I invite you to embrace the cross of Jesus, a sign of God's love as a source of new life. Without Christ, death and resurrection, no salvation. He alone can free the world from evil and grow the Kingdom of justice, peace and love, to which all aspire. "

and these days I hope all you're going to live help us in this encounter with Christ should transform our lives and configured more with him

Sources: Lighting
José A. Pagola
cmf Fernando Torres Peres Pedro Crespo
Angel Arias