Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Digital Camera Point And Shoot Reviews Compact
Congratulations to all! And May all your wishes (at least those who are against me!). From this humble blog wish you a very happy Christmas and New Year.
Here I give you a videito of Mammon ( http://www.mammon.com.ar/ ) (which does not put any time) this is half bizarre, so it's good style of Mammon. Enjoy.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Swallowed Some Listerine
Note: as this week I was sick, I had no come back to this. That this clarification makes music every day and this look with Rolling Stones: the his album "America Makes newest hit" of 1964, with the theme "Route 66". Great band, great track, enjoy it while I'm still taking the temperature.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
What Is A Slogan For Iron
I come (and I have) some contacts on MSN, the kind that one does not know how they got there and accepted for who that person Several among them foreigners. Once you accept, I start to get emails from them (mostly women) with a link to a page called "Hot or Not."
If there is anything more depressing than the fotologs is this page where people also to upload your photos, allows the "viewer" that qualifies!
imagine the diversity of people you can find one there (men and women of all ages.) Now tell me: What do people need to do such a thing? More when you're doing (forgive the redundancy), a self-criticism. Because I will not be Brad Pitt (let alone heh), but there you go you can find with each character that you would say, "do not be thin che hdp least find your best angle," or "all good with acne, but to miss that first shot? "or" at least you came potus divine! ".
So, here what is judged is whether the person is sexy or not, nobody would care (sorry, it should be more important) if it is wise or not, funny or not, good guy or not.
you imagine the disappointment of the people to see that the average is very low. But hey, you can put all the will in the world to the photo, but there are things you can not hide anything, and therein lies the problem! Not to be bad, but one has to tell when it does not provide for such things. Because there are some who seem to joke that they put there (as many passport photos q vi).
Then, on the same page there is a ranking of the top 20, and that's when you see the ranking, when you say: "Whoa, whoa ... (with the face like when I saw Francella Julieta Prandi) "and is a top 20 (which theoretically would have to be mixed but it is not because men are more jeropico q women vote more so) that has unique in that there are girls who are described, with your photo accompanying them obviously, they already are, you think, girls more "professional" in this issue (some may call the other way, no?), it is almost an overproduction is done, so I think that too many of them are taken from other pages (and you know which) and put them there to see that jerks say. So, now here is something else. But good, one is convinced that it's what's inside, but to a certain extent.
So this is the scenario of this type of pages that are to fart, and that, at least to me, I think it's wrong, that I ...
Here I give you 2 photos taken from the page, one of ranking (ESSS a butter!, I would say the bambi) and another does not, you will say it's part of each:
Saturday, December 8, 2007
How To Install Pokemon On Ti 84
Surely 90% of the world's blogs make posts about Christmas these days, and not wanting to be the exception I thought about doing one too. But when I sat down to write (with blank mind) could not find anything "funny" or "crazy" to put (just for having a blank mind). Then I said "fua! True, now come the holidays, sure would be interesting to talk about it, but my mind was blank as to remember a story or something to rescue that, sure there is but my mind is blank and needs to be updated blog .
I also thought: "I have a lot of good music to upload to the Internet and save the post again." But I realized that I always fall the same with this issue of "Music of all days" and would be treacherous to use that resource. So look
the news to see if there was anything interesting, and I remembered that Boca played in Japan, but said "the only time I talk about football before the games on here I went to the" toor "and I speak best when the world ends (if it ends in an acceptable manner). "
So with a blank mind, not whether for vacation or will be, I only reached to open the Paint and make this cartoon. Enjoy it !!!(?)
PS: I promise (because I was preparing something) that have been new things and new post in the blog. Greetings
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Can Getting Chicken Pox Make You Infertile
Well to be minimally updated blog becomes "Music all day." This time with The Fardelitos and the theme "Anabel", who is on his last album (now our city) where the subjects are alive.
Well enjoy it, I while I'm studying. After completing the split of this year, obviously, the blog will be updated soon. Greetings
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kate Playgraund.5mp.eu
(This text was written by the great Capusotto and sent me by mail (first string as the people) no waste (no image is because it is a bit Larguita but is very good). Thanks to Gabriela who sent it to me. Greetings)
tests that have been (Capusotto)
To you I speak, joss stick to begin studying for the part of tomorrow morning. To you that in order not to buy a highlighter stingy again You keep sucking that was fluorescent yellow marker and now is a transparent wet. To you I speak, boy distracted, which highlights not paying attention and end the whole book ends up being a large green (fluorescent, of course). To you I speak, with your super short micro mini or 5 leaves of the two sides, with a low point for machete type, arrows pierce whole leaves, studs and type abbreviations ec (economics), Cumulative (Cumulative), lit (literature), pa (para) and other unintelligible monosyllables that make you return to the original source, read 100 sheets of letter size 4 written typewriter so that modern professional only has 89 and Alzheimer's disease but who remembers that time when you shouted old asshole and pray every night for the final table will not touch it. Or to you, you gave it to live in not doing a damn cagándote class of laughter from all who copied and when you sat down to study you discover that your class notes are pure tatetis, stupid text messages (wave: what time is it? 9:15, what time is it now? 9:22) and drawings that would be worthy of sending to your psychiatrist and you have to urgently go to your classmate's house and spend close down 10 handles photocopies of his notes that obviously do not understand why the letter was being handed cruising with crippled boy of 2 years . And you, that although you have your summaries, highlighted and all your stuff in order to hang you half an hour thinking of him or her and would have happened if you told him you did and instead would you have said what that first thought you had to say that the end can not bring yourself to say, or you call up your relatives 20 years ago that you have (read more or less most of your life) and I hung up with the dog talking so as not to memorize the formulas for these matters that you love so much. > And I kept thinking: And to me whom I commanded to go to college? If I have over 18 and do what I sing? And if I get a carton? Or better, if I shot and I watch TV as if nothing in life mattered to me and I become an amoeba scattered by the chair of living that all he does is eat and sleep? NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Gonna get your dad, uncle, mother, brother, grandmother, greengrocer across the street or whatever they are paying for your education and you buy all the copies, books, ring, exams, pens, pencils, liquid paper (and also gave you, unknowingly the back) and also share ... Garp and you'll get the summary, Portuguese dictionary, the book and even the teacher in the ass and while it makes you stick with that famous highlighter that no longer works until you reach the brain and your brain by osmosis to absorb knowledge and believe me, when you feel the next day to take the test will hurt a lot, or will give you despair typical "estudiéééééééééé no" and stay awake until 3 am with all inorganic substance, read 10 bottles coca cola, 19 cafés, and 3 lines of cocaine, then go to bed and get up at 5 am to continue studying until the teacher entered the classroom, or directly going to start at the bank machetearte 6 chapters of the book, which was in class, group work and extra notes. ENOUGH little panic, INCOMPLETE MACHETES ENOUGH, ENOUGH OF PARENTS ANGRY AND FINAL IN DECEMBER. Crazy, half stack, we are in college to study ... or at least to make him study your partner next door so that you make every part (and if you do not want it to be at gunpoint) methods are best skinny. After complaining of professionals in our republic unable DETAIL scientifically proven ... STAGES OF PROGRESS:
1 .- The Paradox of Time: Time passes, for one, 200 times faster than usual. Reza is a theorem that "the speed of clockwise is inversely proportional to the time that remains for the moment the test." Pencil falls to the ground and lift and spent 10 minutes. A snack with a smell of coffee and a croissant takes us 45 minutes? Quote icon "and at eight?" 2 .- Delegation of Responsibilities: It is summarized in a phrase or symptom that is repeated and repeated several times throughout the process: "Who the fuck sent me to my STUDYING THIS RACE THAT DOES NOT WORK FOR SHIT?" . NIGHT BEFORE THE EXAM. Note: From here, this phenomenon is as enjoyable as "the dream" becomes our worst enemy, torturing, betraying (especially at 3:00 AM, which is presented in full force), boycotting relentlessly with the passing of the hours the normal functioning of our bodies, motor clumsiness, slurred speech, disjointed thoughts, etc. . To which one turns to old and always used the old enemy weapons for coffee, ice water on his head, whipping, pills, etc.3 .- Examination of Conscience and Repentance: In the midst of a situation where an hour is worth the life, one begins to remember those nights that he spent wasting time, watching TV, wandering and drinking in a bar, or went to sleep without sleep. Self-hatred (begin the emotional and motivational debacle). Remember that coffee and croissants and / or toast now prevents him from reviewing the unit 3, and this time he went to buy aspirin and ended up in the house of a friend, who is the cause of his next reprieve.
4 .- Change in the Order of Values \u200b\u200band Basic Principles: All values \u200b\u200bthat you suckled from birth, is totally disrupted, "... my life for a bed," "... give it all for 5 more hours "" ... pay anything for the 6 or 4 "," ... I swear if I see that / a professor / a child of a bitch I hit a shot in the head ".5 Incursions .- Philosophical and Metaphysical: With the passing of the hours, you tend to get the most reflective our being, which often indicates severe mental status changes. It is manifested through the following and widely used phrases: "... one feels that he knows nothing and goes and gets it all: the man is unpredictable," ... for me, He Man was queer "." .. Why does life have to suffer so? "," ... what would you do if you win 1 million dollars? "," ... Wonder Woman was Superman's girlfriend? "." .. I would be reincarnated in a turtle ".6 .- Evading Reality:> You want to be at 10,000 km away, if possible at another time, and if possible, on another planet (Symptom 2, which manifest with greater intensity) 7 .- Abandonment: Our executioner, sleep becomes more ruthless and almost invincible at this point. Our appearance is pitiful, similar to that of Tom Hanks in Castaway after 2 years on the island, and sleep produces hallucinogenic effects of the most confusing. Suddenly, it seems to abandon us and forces us to ask and rethink whether or not this whole ordeal and suffering excruciating sense. It is manifested through the following sentences: "... what is not studied so far, I'm not going to learn in 2 hours. I go to sleep ","... this is not going to take, right?" "... damn you all to the bitch that bore them," ... who are these goblins walking on the ceiling? ". (Symptom 2, again). Error: Our Enemy, the dream should not win. We recommend the use of corporal punishment ara pass this etapa.8 .- Chaos:> At some point during the night, all the above symptoms occur simultaneously causing a shock in the brain of a student who threatens physical collapse, triggering a the first physical symptoms, generating sentences like this: "... I always wanted to study journalism," and if I throw "...¿ by, window and ended up with all this? "Let's go "...¿ South? "," ... I, I present a shit. "
HOURS BEFORE 9 .- Physical Symptoms: This stage is characterized by physical symptoms, aggravated by lack of food, hygiene, excessive caffeine, nicotine, tar, and stress. Common symptoms: cramps liver, dizziness, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, retching, belching, deep sighs, twitching, muscle spasms, tics, facial stiffness, stomach contractions, skin rashes, blurred vision, light yellow skin, temporary blindness, death .- súbita.10 Amnesia Principle (do not know anything): All of a sudden you want to do a brief review, and see titles, words, definitions (including written by our hands), you would swear that never in my life has seen. This in only 2 or 3 hours of review, generates up to a state of fear and panic uncontrollable (Again symptoms 2, 3 and 6)
11 .- The Edge of the Abyss: One only wants to end this torture, inhuman and cruel ordeal that it humiliates and demeans the absolute limits. Common phrases: "... make it fast", "... this shit is over the fuck up", "... The Lord is my shepherd, I shall want, spend, SUBJECT TO TOUCH ME EASIER! " REVIEW COMPLETED
Option A. Approved: Exhausted and relieved (after having cried and hugged who crosses his path), it will take a bitter drink beer that was left behind and the prompt restoration of psychosomatic functioning cuerpo.Salud.Opción B. Fail: Exhausted and relieved, it will take a bitter drink beer that was left behind and the early restoration of the psychosomatic functioning of the body. Health.
universal sense CONSIDERATION TO
A) Arrival (too early) to the testing.
B) Review and totally unsuccessful compulsive notes.
C) Phase pre-exam nervous joke.
D) Input frightened the classroom where the examination will carry
E) Delivery of the examination and flight from the crime scene.
F) Phase nervous joke post-test.
G) Phase exclamation profanity and sexual nature ("I broke my ass", "I picked wrong," "How I put it," etc.).
H) Comparison of results (check that no two people with the same answer or worse, that unless you all agree: typical)
I) Phase compulsory consultation of the notes (with the only result of worsening the mood of the consultant)
J) Phase statement: "I will not more .... (Name field). "
K) phase of denial, "Review, what test?")
L) post-traumatic depressive phase and plans to remove it: "I need to hit someone "," I need to get drunk "," I need sex "..... "only emotion keeps us alive"
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Iphone Fox Racing Covers
Let's see ... if we talk about one of the inventions Argentines says a major pen quickly, dulce de leche, Tinelli, Bypass, Peron. But in a TOP 6 is one more than the collective.
The person over 18, Argentina, and without any monetary or physical disability that forbid, that has not ever traveled by bus, deserves not to be considered more an inhabitant of Argentina (or Earth) and should not read this post. Nor are the people who travel and see in their lives have used the joke: "je I travel every day in a chauffeured Mercedes lol "(while making a continuous semirotacion movement with the fingers of his right hand the symbol of looser but horizontally, as if to fan the other is a joke). Rinse all this start.
The group within its ecosystem has a number of specimens for analysis. I begin with the principal, "the bus driver." To generalize (because there are exceptions) the bus driver at a rate of about six feet tall, dark-haired, long curly hair, dark glasses, overweight, and the principal and most striking is its intolerance towards people of any gender and age, within or outside the collective. It has a very sensitive ear which only supports constant ringing a few seconds. If the sound continues to spend those few seconds, like Incredible Hulk, turn your body slightly and shouting "take it to your house!" Is enforced and makes the sound finishes. Does not accept excuses like "sorry I'm stuck", he responds with a "go, go lower!" (I omitted the "talk" the bus driver and passenger if the latter were to ring the bell and the bus stop before you asks the bus driver if you can not take the next thing is to stop, for reasons of self-censorship).
His vision is not very good, probably not "see" people always stops raising his arm, shouting, and insulting (as a last resort) to call.
The bus is one when this alone, but when in flocks attitudes are squared. You have to listen to a talk by bus drivers to Seber what I'm saying.
The bus, like a cave with rock paintings, has an artistic side as well: recording the glasses with names, places flags of their favorite club, hang all kinds of elements, insert lights everywhere, and so on.
Another way to communicate with other bus drivers is when they come in another group. For that the bus driver opens the window (also used to spit liters of mucus, commonly known as "chicken") and leads his fellow gestures (Misplaced or not) and to stop shouting through the window or door.
The bus is a guy who likes sports very much competitive. The favorite of all the bus drivers is a very special that only they can practice. Trying to figure out who is capable of making more people go inside the bus. The bus takes pleasure in seeing more and more people fall within the group, and even more if the temperature is high (in the outdoor temperature reaches double and even triple!). It goes without saying that this is a hypothesis (that is the sport of bus drivers) and the other is simply passed to hdp.
To change the subject (because it would not end ever, I think I'll have to do a post just for bus drivers) one of the specimens within the group are the street vendors. The salesman whose main skill to overdo things. The you can sell a chocolatín (almost liquid state by heat from the sun) is substituent saying lunches and dinners for the amount of protein you have. From a simple pen you can name all the mechanical parts is as if you were teaching a computer from NASA, and one nevertheless still sees an ordinary pen, and even "half truchin." Taking food vendors and household items are those who ask for things from their disabilities. Once I played a guy who began to show all scars all over his body and said that's why they discriminate the finished work and casting. They are usually unemployed people the less "credible" for people (always empty "for 2 months." And you saw him again next year and says the same.) That's why I will not elaborate on this issue "social" because ultimately we take everything in here fuck.
boludez Following this, the other species that are passengers. Among them are: the lady who can do 40 º C heat but does not open the window for no muss, the guy who sits forward and does not let lay asleep for pregnant women, elderly or disabled, the woman who comes with 20 kids and aims to provide all, he who falls asleep in a double seat begins to slide to the side where the other person is sitting, and students with backpacks that double their weight and size, other backpackers who travel with large suitcases, the mine that is good and on a bus full already know that you can reach pass, which comes with the mp3 and hum (or sing!) songs, etc..
This list and the text can continue as it is a long and broad topic to discuss, but I leave a "changüí" when it has nothing to put je.
PS: Soon we will speak of "pork" (for the least understood, the guy who bores the ticket) and "tachero" (Intimate Enemy of the bus driver (for the less understood and turnips, the driver)) .
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Indian Mom With Boobs
I come, I come from stretching, I know, but finally ended the split so I promise this weekend as people post something. Meanwhile all I can leave is another videito cornered bonnet "speed painting." Now drawing to Sawyer.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Do Ovarian Cysts Cause Fatigue
Greetings Here is the result of an afternoon to fart boludeando with Movie Maker. Came out this (and if they continue this kind of evenings are coming over) who are from music videos made by me with photos according to the things he says the issue. A boludez but sum.
Here I go with the first one is Messy themed rock, bands that I like.
Here is the most famous theme they have, but later I will send another, perhaps less known to some (I know them and know people who know them, what do I know ...). Well, the song is called Bubbles and I think there is nothing more to add, so I hope you enjoy the video.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Geroge Gervin Sitting In A Chair Of Ice
River (or Passarella) needs to win to stretch, save, the second semester or at least until the next cup match. Some say that if he wins River, and Red loses, you can get to start back up the championship. Well ... that I ... that I can justify that to say so. Passarella said if I win anything this semester goes. So if you lose to Boca, and according to the above theory that if he loses River farewell to the championship, we can say that everything is said. Ie unless a "butler team (and not the donkey) and win the South American River, Passarella goes. As cupbearer nobody believes, on Sunday may be the last game of Passarella. All this is also because River did not win anything more than a summer tournament, about 2 years ago. You may have to think to play the cup and in these tournaments, but ... I do not will not me coming.
Boca, however, comes from winning the Copa Libertadores, South America stay out of the against him, for me, second best team in America (the other is Boca obviously) and can champion it by failing to none in its class, and finally comes to beat San Lorenzo in a match atypical in that the team's formation Ramon could not be the mistress. From Boca currently can not add much more than that: all matches and tournaments you are playing from here to year end are preparatory to the club world. If you win, great!, If not win, the question is to find and strengthen the team for the world.
These are from my point of view the news (well above) of equipment, and as I have noticed I'm a fan of Boca, which is why not talk a lot about football in the blog, in the sense that no I want to make a partisan blog. So only in these cases I would download as a fan.
Well I say goodbye, but before I tell you, they will come the post of precisely what it is and says the title of the blog: Everyday Things
Greetings and videito.
PD: Ah ... the Cougars play. Nice (?)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Detailed Plans Of How To Build A Kitchen Island
duck blogger is no longer with us (if ever see what was).
So as everyone says the show must go on. The good thing is that there is q get used to anything new, or post some other person than myself. Well I do not like giving personal messages so the post was just to make this announcement and say it will be more posts soon as the facu gets lighter.
as I say goodbye and I do not like to leave with empty hands I leave a capo videito this drawing with photoshop.
duck "may revive in this blog?
PS: The main reasons could be the reluctance and lack of commitment to the blog, but the doors are always open. Are they open? Continued ...
Saturday, September 15, 2007
How Long Have I Had Thyroid Cancer
To avoid repeating the title I will boot directly. Among the many things heavy Internet (je I repeated the same) no one in particular that can q is greater than the rest, and it is chain mail. Let's start common, which are the PowerPoint presentations, if there is something common in this mail is coming with one of these presentations. Anyone can tell me who's the guy to go over this enough to fart to get to do one of these presentations that you talk about life, what turds we all are, how we are going to die, how cute are the countries that we'll never see (showing photos, etc.). Nobody disputes that tell jokes or stories with humor, but take the trouble to make the rest of the presentations and receiving nothing in return I do not think of, say, "piola people." But good! Follow.
Then there are written directly in the mail or Word you talk of a Pibito / a you need a special organ or lost. These are the most delicate, because you do not know if true and ends getting to think that would make one to save him, but as is often the kid from another country then forgotten. Others of these writings are the real strings in which you have to send the same mail to 2 million people in 30 seconds or something terrible can happen to you to you or a loved one (you can steal, you'll have an accident, you will leaving piles, are some of the conditions to send the mail to your contacts). Now I wonder who the fuck is the guy who sent me this, which has the power to change my destiny and I pass one of those things? Is God perhaps? Perhaps, but God did not warn me so easily.
Another well written, are what prevents you to drink or eat any product that was previously genetically engineered, and may provoke terrible diseases. This is the case of chickens MacDonald, who had no eyes and bones instead of cartilage had, or even the Redbull case you cause a heart attack, or also using Dasani water from a polluted river, etc. . These are all things totally unverifiable, unless you work there, which is even more unverifiable.
Well, now you also have to say that there are people who are dedicated to receive and forward all these things, and believe everything they say. Thanks to these people this goes on, but good! That's to make.
conclusion, I would tell these people who do not believe in such things, because there are no good people laburando all day, researching, and finally turning over the investigation, so that people know things that happen in the world, or "gurus" (if it is written as q) that predict without knowing the q things you might come to pass, much less people who reveal secrets of multinational companies (or if?) is more likely that things are told that composed them were invented by competing in this (as I was told about Dasani)
now to say goodbye, and for outgoing kids tired of playing around and not stop talking, here I leave a videito of one (of 10 years!) which is far from that. Greetings
PD: Search Is duck or someone to replace him.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sims 2 Clothes Men Japanese
Well, last posting before you put something more interesting, something that is more than 4 lines. But it happens that the power does not spare the time to do these things, but we promise we'll post something as soon (I promise!, Because actually still got no news from my blog mate. By the way who wants to be attached to the blog let me know and we q). OK, speaking of the power q there is another issue that you see may have to do with people who "laburar" there. So for the guys in the FUBA, fighting on behalf of us, students, to fulfill our duties, there goes the song.
The CHE taking a few mates while listening to
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Colmbus Gay Cruise Spot
Thank you look to Mammon.
PD: This is the first time that I will not put a personal message against the missing member of the blog. And hopefully the last.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Boats Outline Parts Label
see "music everyday", and production efforts and against any fines that may occur (because do not know if this can be done) go with a National Rock and good. With Intoxicados, one of the best bands of the National Rock, this time posting a track called "Things that do not touch." This issue may be the mental state of great Pity. Aguante Intoxicados crazy! (Good and I prime). Until next time, from here or from any prison in Buenos Aires
(Clarification 1: A duck called the posting of this song happens to be under its full responsibility for any type of legal problem. Explanation 2: For any displeasure groups or singers whose songs are posted on this blog have nothing but ask that the item be removed (if q is given the remote possibility that fence to read this blog) From already thank you very much)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Rubbermaid Outlet Store Mississauga
are pleased with the response of the public on the Music section of Every Day ....
Fuck, Fuck Diego. Well I am saying goodbye
as Aristotle said: "If this year does not come out champion River near the pij @ me" As you can see was a visionary, he created the @ before computers existed. Speaking of creators do not forget to Diego Perez, founder of the park that bears if
Adios name and comment so that you learn Diego jojo
Strep Throat Toothache
return with more music on this blog and see, as above, let the people of Mammon, which has several themes that fit well in this blog are so delusional. The name of the topic is "soft" and do not know if this can be done, I restart the website of the rock band asshole "(that is how they call their style of music) is www.mammon.com.ar q . By the way notice the band split, there is more information on the web. Well see you until the next posting. Lucky
PD: Pato is still missing and now fear for his life (in this blog, of course) and it is likely q is not more with us. Continue ...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Your Favorite Jav Model
That waltz is a dance at a wedding can understand, "one can understand? Not really, but good! What I know, out there is more understandable because it is something romantic for the newly married couple. Well okay ... it makes no sense.
But at a birthday of 15 less. For what is the waltz in a type of party like this? The answer is one: NOTHING.
The point is that suddenly for anything that is this doing in the classroom and all, used by other parties who attended, made a circle around the birthday, and this begins to dance with her father or godfather the waltz. Here begins a dance with family and friends who, like Maradona to the English, make feints between the output of which is dancing and the entry you want to dance in the confusion that occurs when you do not know if the photographer will take 2 or more photos as the family. These confusions and feints are very funny and sometimes, if the publisher does not take it out, leaving the film to be one of the best parts. When I say best I mean funny.
other hand there are the friends and schoolmates of the girl, who, depending on how "is" the girl, or dare to dance with her attitude is obviously a somewhat "turd" on his part and very outgoing and her friends go first so that others will be encouraged to enter. That "as" is "" the girl does not need to clarify that of course means that (CARE HERE IN MORE JOKES MAY aparescan KNOWN (if not older) THAT FOR WHICH, THE TEXT WAS INTENTIONALLY INDUCED TO THEM LONGER DOING THE ADDRESS THAT IS.) if the girl is a so-called "cornalitos (mediomundo away with) the kids, but that Lafauci jeropico, go to waltz virtually turning it into a lambada, if it is I can imagine. On the other hand if one of those girls "timid" and "good person" (adjectives used to designate the girl who is totally opposite to the above described) the boys were "fighting" for entering (say: "Enter you" "No, no, you go", "give that to you it's your turn", "no, lets you place sedo" and so are the fights). When the waltz ended
is normal start dancing as if nothing normal with other types of music, it's bad when the last one dancing is the uncle of 89 years who came from afar to meet the baby and when turned off the lights and start the reggaeton, does nothing but stand still without reaction any more than take your pulse to see if it is within normal.
Well now that I have no place on this issue. So changing the subject, I call for solidarity: Looking to extreme urgency, the whereabouts of blogger duck that has been missing from fence one to know q day and time, your search is requested to continue to provide their "services" to this blog. From already thank you very much. Now if chauuu
q duck picture you can be reached