To avoid repeating the title I will boot directly. Among the many things heavy Internet (je I repeated the same) no one in particular that can q is greater than the rest, and it is chain mail. Let's start common, which are the PowerPoint presentations, if there is something common in this mail is coming with one of these presentations. Anyone can tell me who's the guy to go over this enough to fart to get to do one of these presentations that you talk about life, what turds we all are, how we are going to die, how cute are the countries that we'll never see (showing photos, etc.). Nobody disputes that tell jokes or stories with humor, but take the trouble to make the rest of the presentations and receiving nothing in return I do not think of, say, "piola people." But good! Follow.
Then there are written directly in the mail or Word you talk of a Pibito / a you need a special organ or lost. These are the most delicate, because you do not know if true and ends getting to think that would make one to save him, but as is often the kid from another country then forgotten. Others of these writings are the real strings in which you have to send the same mail to 2 million people in 30 seconds or something terrible can happen to you to you or a loved one (you can steal, you'll have an accident, you will leaving piles, are some of the conditions to send the mail to your contacts). Now I wonder who the fuck is the guy who sent me this, which has the power to change my destiny and I pass one of those things? Is God perhaps? Perhaps, but God did not warn me so easily.
Another well written, are what prevents you to drink or eat any product that was previously genetically engineered, and may provoke terrible diseases. This is the case of chickens MacDonald, who had no eyes and bones instead of cartilage had, or even the Redbull case you cause a heart attack, or also using Dasani water from a polluted river, etc. . These are all things totally unverifiable, unless you work there, which is even more unverifiable.
With that happiness does not drink water?
Well, now you also have to say that there are people who are dedicated to receive and forward all these things, and believe everything they say. Thanks to these people this goes on, but good! That's to make.
conclusion, I would tell these people who do not believe in such things, because there are no good people laburando all day, researching, and finally turning over the investigation, so that people know things that happen in the world, or "gurus" (if it is written as q) that predict without knowing the q things you might come to pass, much less people who reveal secrets of multinational companies (or if?) is more likely that things are told that composed them were invented by competing in this (as I was told about Dasani)
now to say goodbye, and for outgoing kids tired of playing around and not stop talking, here I leave a videito of one (of 10 years!) which is far from that. Greetings
PD: Search Is duck or someone to replace him.
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