Monday, November 8, 2010

Wm Rogers & Son Butter Knife

Seven reasons not to have television

" It seemed crazy to spend all zapping dinner to find a half movie, dubbed in English, which did not even know the name. Now we descend content Internet, we see many channels streaming , rent videos, and serious discussions with friends, and instead of being at the mercy of the programmers we decide what, how and when we see what want to see. And if you ever think about re-offend, we have this list handy to remember why cut the cord this time:

1. When we have TV, we see "what is" or "what hooked" but very rarely "what we wanted to see."

2. The subscription price of the cable comes out the same to rent 25 movies a month in a video store.

3. Most of the content is on the web, for free, even in places of their channels like Fox, MTV, YouTube, Cuevas, Taringa, and others.

4. The commercial breaks are getting longer and more invasive.

5. Programs begin at any time.

6. Series broadcast channels chapters at least six months later than in the U.S..

7. 90% of live programs to repeat what they do in the program shows Tinelli or are led by former "comedians" Tinelli program, so in reality, the bulk of the air TV is always the same program: the Tinelli.

As many of us share this way of thinking and choose what you want to see, during our free time, I leave all this reminder to not be trapped by conformity, when the TV is on.

Extracted from
Monday November 8, 2010


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