Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Today we celebrate Our Lady of the Sweet Wait!

This refers to the time dedicated to the Virgin Mary lived her pregnancy, expecting the birth of the Redeemer. Many families during the experience of pregnancy turn to her maternal protection. As well, several people plead her case or complicated pregnancies or design problems.

The devotion to Our Lady of the Sweet Wait goes back many years ago. There are images of the Virgin Mary pregnant, such as the Virgin of Guadalupe Patroness of Mexico and America, which sees the bulge of his belly. Many are those who are entrusted to Our Lady of asking with sweet hopes Devotion to the arrival of a son, for the successful completion of a pregnancy, as are many acknowledgments of those who were heard by the Virgin Mary and today enjoy the happiness of seeing grow up healthy and happy child so desired. The image of Our Lady of the sweet hope has become popular reproduced in prints, sculptures, etc., Where it appears with a hand holding a book symbol of the Word and the other caressing her belly.

Pope John Paul II in his Letter to Women says: "Thank you, woman, mother, you become a human being's heart the joy and the birth pangs of a unique experience which you God does smile for the child who comes to light and makes you guide your first steps to support growth, a point of reference in the subsequent way of life. "

Although the date of celebration is the 15th of May, on Tuesday May 17 and after 20:00 pm will be held in the parish of San García Abad, the enthronement ceremony of a statue of Our Lady of the sweet hope that from that date, will eouesta in our Temple, thanks to the donation of some Argentine friends of our pastor, Rev. Jose Carlos Del Valle.


Mary, Mother of fair love, sweet girl of Nazareth,
you who proclaims the greatness of the Lord and
saying "yes", you became the mother of our Savior and our mother, now attends
supplications q I do:
inside me a new life is growing:
will bring a little happiness and joy, concerns and fears, hopes
happiness to my home.
Take care and Protect it while I carry in my breast.
And, in the happy moment of birth, when I heard his first sounds and see their tiny hands,
to thank the Creator
the wonder of this gift that He gives me.
That, following your example and model,
can join and see my son grow.
Help me and inspire me to find me
shelter over their heads and, in turn,
a starting point to make their own way.
also my Mother, look
especially for women who face this time alone, without support or uncaring.
They may feel the love of the Father
and discover that each child who comes into the world is a blessing.
they know that the heroic decision
to welcome and nurture the child they are taken into account.
Our Lady of the sweet hope,
give them your love and courage. AMEN

Sources: Divine Illumination

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"I am the gate for the sheep" (Gospel Sunday)

Jesus proposes a group of Pharisees a metaphorical story in which harshly criticizes the religious leaders of Israel. The scene is taken from the pastoral life. The herd is contained within a fold, surrounded by a fence or a small wall, while a guard monitors access. Jesus focused his attention on precisely this "door" that allows you to reach the sheep.

There are two ways to enter the fold. It all depends on what you intend to do with the herd. If someone comes into the fold and "not fit through the door" but jumps "on the other hand," is clearly not the pastor. It does not come to care for his flock. Is "a stranger" who comes to "steal, kill and do harm."

The performance of the true shepherd is very different. As you near the fold, "walks through the door", is calling the sheep by name and they serve their voice. Leads them out and, when met at all, it takes the lead and walks in front of them to the pastures where they can feed. The sheep follow him because they know his voice.

What secret is contained in the "door" that legitimizes the true shepherds who pass by it and exposes the strangers entering "other hand", fail to take care of the herd but to hurt? The Pharisees did not understand what they're talking about one teacher.

Then Jesus gives the key to the story: "I assure you I am the door of the sheep." Entrants into the lead of Jesus and his Gospel are still living, are true shepherds feed the community know Christian. Those who enter the sheepfold Jesus aside and ignoring their cause, are foreign ministers, will hurt the Christian people.

In many churches are suffering all so much: the shepherds and the people of God. The relationships between the hierarchy and the Christian people often live in a suspicious, tense and conflicted: there are bishops who are rejected, there Christians who feel marginalized sectors.

would be too easy to attribute all the abusive authoritarianism Hierarchy or unacceptable insubordination of the faithful. The root is deep and complex. We have created a very difficult situation. We lost the peace. We will need more and more like Jesus.

We grow with us mutual respect and communication, dialogue and the sincere search for truth of the Gospel. We need to breathe as soon as possible friendly climate in the Church. We will not leave this crisis if we do not turn all the spirit of Jesus. He is "the Gate"

The Lord is my Shepherd

1 .- The resurrected life

witnesses disappear from the scene the resurrection-Magdalena, Thomas, of Emmaus, and you see the deep value they announced: the resurrected life. " I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly" , proclaims the Gospel today.
Jesus expressed in the allegory of the Good Shepherd. As he said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," "I am the true vine," "I am the light of the world," I am the bread of life ", in the same way, this Sunday , reveals: "I am the Good Shepherd." The biblical picture, quiet, bucolic. Beat well in a village culture of nomadic pastoralism.
Ewes rejoice in such a pastor is far from the dark side of "borreguismo" but rather, we remember the tender drawings of the catacombs, where the pastor is the first image of Jesus. And why not recreate the voice of poetry that sings to Jesus Christ, pastor? "What you leave, Pastor Santo, your flock in the valley deep, dark ...", "Pastor, with your loving whistles, I woke up of deep sleep. Arch did you do that you tend log in your powerful arms. "

2 .- Word

is interesting to evoke the circumstances. The Pharisees have been cast out of the synagogue, the man born blind, they face occurs in the light that Jesus has returned in the eyes of this poor without sight. Ie belong to the bad shepherds because more than caring, crushed his sheep with a thousand heavy and unnecessary inflexibility.

Here lies the allegory of the shepherd. Jesus, in metaphor, is identified as the door of the fold, like the shepherd who walks through the door and not as the villain, as the good shepherd and not mercenary. What good is Jesus describing his love affair with sheep: The Good Shepherd knows them all, calls them by name, out to pasture, walk whistling in front of them and gives his life for them. Correspondingly, his sheep know him, hear his voice and follow Him. Without allegories Peter, in the second reading, presents Jesus as the suffering servant pastor, innocent, patient, always redemptive: "His wounds you were healed" , reminds us.

revealing Jesus draws a parallel: Just as the Father loves you, he loves his sheep. Further. Is that sheep are the Father and the Son gives life to them, and for this reason the Father loves you. All, a sublime circle.

3 .- Life

Because we believe in a shepherd who loves us so much, it awakens our confidence in him. Does not cost us hear your voice, know every day, follow him to death. Soon we will expose the false pastors, so many idols, "do not tell me what I want." And is that Jesus not only gives us life and life, is the way and the door to that life. Interestingly we call pastor ... and "Lamb who takes away the sin." Pastor catching in his arms the wounded sheep, the sorrowful, the lowly, the sinner. He tells how his disciples: "Fear not, little flock" And we believe it.

is urgent to realize that we all have to be good pastors, not only leaders, dignitaries, "top". As followers and imitators of Jesus, we took our lives the way of herding, ie, caring, protect, to heal wounds, on her arm, to give life and des-lived for others. Like Peter, Jesus asks: "Do you love me? Then, feed my sheep. " Only out of love makes sense. The credibility and moral authority of men and women of the Church is directly related to the ability to give life, and life is to be merciful, wash your feet, be Samaritans, comfort, a passion for justice. The opposite is typical of thieves and robbers: attitudes rigid legalism that crush, cold to the suffering of others. It's what Jesus denounced the Pharisees. (Can we ask here Why the silent march of so many baptized Christians who abandon us?). The magic word that echoes the Gospel is to "serve" serve all, not to use anyone.

This rule of thumb for a good shepherd do today demands on the Day of Prayer for Vocations. We priests and religious in the joy of being called by name, in the experience of hearing the voice of the Master, the ability of communion in holiness.

The Eucharist is the true meeting point between the shepherd and sheep. Copy to Luis de Gogora:

"lost sheep, come
on my shoulders, now
'm not just your Pastor
but your grass too.

reading from the holy Gospel according to John (from 10.1 to 10):

At that time, Jesus said: "I assure you that that does not fit the door the sheepfold, but climbs on the other hand, is a thief and bandit, but he who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. This one opens the guard, and the sheep care for your voice, and he goes by the name calling to his sheep and leads them out. When he has brought all his own, walking in front of them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice; a stranger will not follow but will flee from him, they know not the voice of strangers. "
Jesus put this comparison, but they did not understand what he spoke.
why Jesus said: "I assure you I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not listen. I am the door: whoever enters through me will be saved and can come and go, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and slaughter, I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly. "

Word of the Lord


IV This Sunday we celebrate the Easter Good Shepherd Sunday. Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd. It is a figure of speech as applied to God in the Old Testament and Jesus applies to himself. Say in the psalm: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. In green pastures he gives me repose, he leads me beside still waters and restores my soul." With this image of the Good Shepherd is meant the application, the loving concern that God has for each of his sheep, for each of their children. The care that the shepherd with his sheep, bandage wounds, carried on the shoulders of the sick, look for the misguided, carry to greener pastures ... is care that God has for each of their children.

In the Gospel, we heard on Sunday in the Eucharist, the emphasis is on another image: Jesus is the door of the sheep. The door is the "place" [here's] why they should spend the sheep and shepherds. Pastors who do not pass through the door, Jesus, are thieves and bandits. This image means that Jesus is the way of salvation, the path of the Father's house. Whoever wants to reach God, must necessarily do so through Jesus, his person, his values, his message. In our religion there is a direct relationship with God; need of mediation, which is Christ, we need the mediation of the Church, he instituted the mediation of the sacraments.

the Gospel also gives other information about the Pastor, Jesus:

Meet the sheep by name and the sheep know his voice. Knowledge is a way of expressing love. The more knowledge there is, there is usually more love. Know the name of the sheep is to know its existence.

Walk in front of them. The Good Shepherd shows the way to the sheep. It's like going to show his example.

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly" . The pastor gives life to the sheep, it is not removed. Christ gives his life so that we can have a full life here on earth and eternal life in heaven. Christ is the shepherd who is also the Lamb delivered by his flock.

The text of the Gospel is addressed to the Pharisees, the false shepherds who have come through the door into the herd, which are as bandits and thieves, as strangers to the sheep. These are those who profit from the herd, their wool and milk, his life and his flesh, instead of serving you to find life.

the term "pastor" is "pastoral." With this expression: "pastoral" is meant everything makes the Church to carry forward the message of Jesus or, put another way, by carrying out the loving God has for each of their children. The Church puts his life in all pastoral work he does. Those responsible for pastoral duties (Evangelism, Liturgy, Caritas) are not just pastors, priests, but all the baptized.

On this day of the Good Shepherd, we are reminded that all Christians are called to bring forth the message of Jesus that all the baptized are responsible for the world to express concern that God has for each one of us, that we are all "shepherds", responsible for one another.

a special way tenemos presentes a las vocaciones consagradas; es decir a todos los hombres y mujeres que han consagrado su vida a Dios: religiosos, religiosas, sacerdotes. Celebramos la jornada de oración por las vocaciones, también de seglares. Las vocaciones consagradas siguen siendo necesarias hoy en la Iglesia para manifestar al mundo los valores del reino: la castidad, la pobreza y la obediencia. Se nos invita a pedir a Dios para que continúe habiendo vocaciones en su Iglesia.

Que pasemos nuestra vida por la puerta que es Jesús; que nos sintamos responsables de la pastoral de la Iglesia; que el Señor siga enviando las vocaciones que el considere necesarias a este mundo nuestro.

Sources: Divine Illumination

Joseph A. Conrado
Pagola Well, cmf
Pedro Crespo Arias Angel Corbalán

Friday, May 13, 2011

Invitation Model With Wordings

Today we celebrate ... Our Lady of Fatima!

Since May 13, 1917 the Blessed. Virgin Mary appeared six times at Fatima (Portugal) to three shepherds: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. In a beautiful book entitled "Memories of Lucy" (the recommended reading) which saw the Virgin all the details of these occurrences.

On May 13 the following exchange occurred:

Where is your mercy?
- My homeland is heaven.
- What do you want from us?
- I come to ask them to come on 13 of every month at this time (noon). In October I will tell you who I am and what I want.
- And we also go to heaven?
- Lucia, Jacinta itself.
- And Francisco?
's eyes turn to the emergence the boy and watch him with an expression of kindness and maternal criticism as you saying
- He also will go to heaven, but before you have to pray many rosaries. And the Blessed
. continued saying
- Want to offer the Lord and be ready to accept the suffering that God generously let them come and offer everything in reparation for the offenses that are made to our Lord?
- Yes, Madam, we want to accept.
With a gentle gesture of joy, to see his generosity, he said,
- will have occasion to suffer and suffer, but the grace of God will strengthen and assist.

Second appearance: June 13, 1917.

SMA. Virgin said the three children: "We need to pray the rosary and learn to read." Asked Lucia
healing the sick and the Virgin says: "What will become next year and regain health." Lucia
pleads: "Madam, will you take us three to heaven?".
- Yes I will take Jacinta and Francisco soon, but you must stay down here, because Jesus wants to rely on you to make me love and know. He wants the world to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
- Will I stay alone in this world?
- No little girl! Do you suffer much? But do not fret, I will not abandon you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and I will be the path that leads to God.

Third Apparition: July 13, 1917.

Already 4,000 people. Our Lady told the seers: "We need to pray the rosary for the war is over. With the prayer to Our Lady Peace can be obtained. When something gets them say, 'Oh Jesus, for your love and for the conversion of sinners'. "

Lady opened her hands and a light beam into the earth and appeared an enormous furnace full of fire, and many people like it hot coals, which raised upward by the flames fell back screaming between cries of pain. Lucia gave a cry of fright. Children cast their eyes toward the Virgin and asking for help and she said,

- Have you seen hell where many sinners will fall? To save them, the Lord wants to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If you pray and do penance, many souls will be saved and peace. But if you pray and not cease to sin as much, War will come back worse than before, and punishment for their sins of the world will be the war, food shortages and the persecution of the Holy Church and the Holy Father. I come to ask for the consecration of the world to the Heart of Mary and the Communion of the First Saturdays in reparation and compensation for many sins. If one accepts what I ask, Russia will be converted and peace. But if a wicked propaganda disseminated by the world errors and there will be wars and persecutions of the Church. Many good will be martyred, the Holy Father will suffer much. Various nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. He added

Our Lady: When you pray the Rosary, say after each mystery: " Oh Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell to heaven all souls, especially those in most need of thy mercy."

Fourth occurrence: August 1917.

La 4 ª. Appearance was not possible on 13 August, because on this day the mayor had 3 children prisoners to try to make them say that they had not seen the Virgin. Although he could not. The occurrence happened a few days later.

SMA. Virgin said in the 4 th. Appearance: "Pray, pray much and make sacrifices for sinners.

have to remember that many souls are condemned because there is no one to pray and make sacrifices for them." (Pope Pius XII said that this phrase was most impressed him the message of Fatima and exclaimed: "tremendous mystery: that the salvation of many souls depend on the prayers and sacrifices to be made for sinners).

From this occurrence the three children were dedicated to providing every possible sacrifice for the conversion of sinners and pray more fervently the Rosary.

Fifth appearance: September 13, 1917.

Already some 12,000 people. Our Lady viewers are encouraged to continue praying the Rosary and announced the end of the war. Lucia asked by several patients. Our Lady replied that some do heal, but others do not, because God does not trust them, and because for the sanctification of some people the disease is more convenient than healthy. I invite everyone to witness a great miracle on 13th October.

Sixth and last appearance. October 13, 1917.

On this day there are 70,000 people. The appearance of the three children said: "I am the Virgin of Rosario. I want on this site I build a temple to pray every day the Holy Rosary."
Lucia told the names of many people who want to get health and other favors very important. Our Lady replied that some of these favors will be granted and some will be replaced with better favors. He adds: "But it's important to amend and ask forgiveness for their sins."

And taking an air of sadness Sma. Our Lady spoke these last words of the apparitions: That will not offend God more than is already very offended (Lucy affirms that of all the phrases heard in Fatima, this was the most impressed.)

SMA. Madonna said before leaving with his hands toward the sun and then the 70,000 spectators witnessed a miracle moving, a wonderful show, never seen: the rain stopped instantly (it had been raining since dawn and it was noon) the clouds moved away and the sun appeared as a huge globe of silver and snow, which began to spin rapidly, spreading to all parts of yellow lights, red, green, blue and purple, and beautiful color in a way the distant clouds trees, rocks and the faces of the crowd that was present there. Suddenly the sun stands still and starts to turn left so beautiful bouncing lights that looks like a fireworks explosion, and then the crowd is something that fills her with terror and fright.

see that the sun comes down, as if to fall on all of them and burnt, and a huge scream of terror is clear from all throats. "Sorry, sir, sorry", was an act of contrition that for many thousands of sinners. This natural phenomenon was repeated three times and lasted ten minutes. It was recorded by any astronomical observatory because it was a miracle absolutely supernatural.

Then the sun returned to his place and the thousands of pilgrims who had their clothes completely soaked so much rain, kept their clothes dry instantly. And that day were wonderful miracles of healings and conversions.

And we want to remember and follow the messages of the Blessed. Our Lady of Fatima: "Pray the Rosary. Make prayer and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and to stop offending God, he is too offended."

Sources: Divine Illumination

Catholic Saints Angel Corbalán

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Travesty Camila Rodrigues

Today we celebrate St. Joan of Arc!!

"Men fight, only God gives victory. " (Jeanne d Arc)

There were still more than twenty years to finish the long and bloody war between England and France which has gone down in history as the Hundred Years War (1337 - 1453). In a conflict which ravaged and impoverished peoples in conflict, a young illiterate but pious and deeply religious led the French armies to victory at Orleans.

Abandoned by everyone from the King Hung with its value until one day the church believed in their divine voices, Joan of Arc was given to the British enemy and burned at the stake. The Maid of Orleans would have to wait many centuries to see their courage rewarded.

This holy at age 17 became a national hero and martyr of religion. Joan of Arc was born in 1412 in Donremy, France. His father was called James of Arc and was a farmer. Juana

up in the country and never learned to read or write. But his mother was very pious instilled great trust in Heavenly Father and a tender devotion to the Virgin Mary. Every Saturday the girl picking flowers Juana field to bring the altar of Our Lady. Each month, confessed and took communion, and his great desire was to become holy and never to commit any sin. It was so good and kind to everyone in town loved her.
His country was in very serious situation because the British had invaded that were quickly taken possession of many cities and made great havoc.

At fourteen the girl Joan began to feel some voices calling. At first I did not know who it was, but then began to see flashes and it appeared the archangel San Miguel, Santa Catalina and Santa Margarita and told him: "You must save the nation and the king."

Fearing told no one anything at first, but then the voices were strongly insisting that she, poor and ignorant peasant girl, was intended to save the nation and the king and then told his family and neighbors. The first few times people did not believe him, but then at the insistence of the voices and prayers of the young, an uncle took her to where the army commander in the neighboring city. She said that God sent to bring a message to the king. But the military did not believe him and sent again to your home.
Juana few months later was reintroduced to the commander and this at the news of a defeat foretold the girl had sent an escort to go see the king.

Arriving in the city asked to speak to the king. To deceive the simple peasant dressed up and put into place to another. The young man came to the great room and instead of going to where he was the replacement of the king, guided by the "voices" who ran it went straight to where the king was dressed and spoke and told him secrets that King never imagined. This made the king totally changed my mind about the young peasant.

no longer missing, but a major city to fall into British hands. Was Orleans. And he was besieged by a strong English army. King Carlos and his military thought and lost the war. But Juana asks the king to grant her command over the troops. And the king appointed captain. John had made a white flag with the names of Jesus and Mary and in front of ten thousand men goes to Orleans.

Encouraged by the young captain, the French soldiers fought like heroes and drove the assailants and freed Orleans. Then they went to several other cities and also released. Juana

not fight or hurt anyone, but the head of the army went from group to group encouraging the soldiers and instilling enthusiasm and several times was wounded in battle.

After his resounding victories, won the Santa Juana King Charles VII feared agreed to be crowned head of the nation. This was done with impressive solemnity in the city of Reims.

But then came the jealousy and then started for our holy a time of suffering and betrayal against her. Until now it had been a national hero. Now he would become a martyr. Many employees of the king's court were jealous that she would become too large and began to make war.

missing something very important country in that war: to conquer Paris, the capital, which was in enemy hands. And Jane went thither with his brave. But King Charles VII, for jealousy and compromise with the enemy, withdrew its troops and Joan was wounded in battle and taken prisoner by the Burgundians.

The French had left, but the British were extremely interested in having it in jail, and paid well over a thousand gold coins to those of Burgundy to be surrender and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The English did suffer a lot in jail. The humiliations and insults were all day, every hour, to the point that Jane was to exclaim: "This prison has been for me a cruel martyrdom, as I never imagined I could be." But I kept praying with faith and proclaiming that if he had heard voices from heaven and that the campaign had done for save his country, had been the will of God.

At that time I was very fashionable to accuse women of witchcraft all that you wanted to disappear. And so the enemies accused Juana of witchcraft, saying that the victories he won was because he had made the English witchcraft so that they can defeat. She appealed to the Pope, asking him the Pope of Rome that the judge, but no one would take him to the Holy Father the news, and the court was composed exclusively of enemies of the saint. And although John said many times that he had never used witchcraft and was completely faithful and good Catholic, but the sentenced the most terrible deaths at the time: being burnt alive.

lit a bonfire and tied to a stake and burned slowly. He died praying and his greatest consolation was looking at the crucifix that he had a religious and entrusted to our Lord. Invoked the Archangel Michael, which had always had great devotion, pronouncing three times the name of Jesus, gave up his spirit. It was 29 May 1431.

was just 19 years. Several went home saying "Today we have burned a saint" . 23 years after his mother and his brothers asked to reopen again that trial had been made against her. And the Pope Callistus III appointed a commission of lawyers, which stated that the sentence was an injustice Juana. The king of France declared innocent and Pope Benedict XV proclaimed a saint.

Joan of Arc: today more than ever, give us a great love for our country. Amen

Sources: Divine Illumination

Catholic Saints Angel Corbalán

Monday, May 9, 2011

How To Break Into My Lockbox

Month of May ... The month of Mary, our Mother! First Communion

"Welcome May, and joy;
why we pray to St. Mary
to ask your son still
still sin and folly than we save. Welcome
Welcome, and joy. ".
(Alfonso X El Sabio)

We release
May. All we grow and have experiences. There are also people, memories, devotions accompanied us. There is someone who, since childhood, we brand your company, your loyalty, your host to the Word, his eternal youth, his being with the Cross and follow the Church ... She is Mary, our Mother.

The month of May, as Marian and floral, gives us the opportunity to approach these texts of the Gospel in which Mary appears. Ask him to give us the attitude of your heart.

1. Mary teaches us how to hear God. Luke 1:26-38.
2. Mary teaches us how to keep everything in the heart. Luke 2:19 / 2.51.
3. Mary teaches us how to be poor and have a heart that is poor. Luke 1.38 / 2.1 to 20.
4. Mary teaches us how to care for and serve others. John 2:1-12.
5. Mary teaches us how to care for life. Lucas 2.7, 2.44 to 45; 8.20.
6. Mary teaches us how to be at the foot of the cross. Luke 2.35. John 19.25-27.
7. Mary teaches us how to share faith with others. John 19.26-27. Acts 1.14.

Month of May, Month of Mary!

May is the month of flowers of spring. Many families expect this month to celebrate the reception of any sacrament in the family (First Communion). Also, May is the month that everyone remembers her mother (except in Argentina and Panama ...) and flowers are the most common gift to entertain children who gave them life.

On the other hand, everyone knows that this month is ideal to be outdoors, surrounded by the natural beauty of our countryside. Precisely because of this, because everything around us we should remember our Creator, this month is dedicated to the most delicate of all creatures: the Blessed Virgin Mary, sensitive soul who offered his life to the care and service of Jesus Christ our redeemer.

celebrate by inviting to our parties to Mary, our sweet mother of Heaven.

What is customary this month?

• Offering flowers to the Virgin.

This is the best gift we can ask the Virgin. Giving flowers is one way that people have to tell someone that we love. The Virgin likes to bring flowers and, well, if you can, you can sing your favorite songs as you suggest later in the page ........

To give greater solemnity to the Offering, in many countries, children are often dressed in white, symbolizing purity.

• Reflect on the major mysteries in the life of Mary.

involves making an effort to reflect the mind, imagination, and also with the heart to delve into the virtues of the Virgin lived throughout his life. We can meditate on how Mary behaved, for example, for:

-the Annunciation, the Visitation
her cousin Elizabeth
the Birth of Christ-the Presentation of Jesus in the temple
-the Child Jesus was lost and found in the temple
-the Wedding at Cana
-Mary at the foot of the cross.

• Remember the apparitions of the Virgin.

In Fatima, Portugal, in Lourdes, France and in Guadalupe, Mexico (La Guadeloupe) Virgin delivers various messages, all relating to love that she has us, his children.

• Meditate on the four tenets about the Virgin Mary that are

1. Her immaculate conception: The only woman that God allowed him to be conceived and born without original sin was to the Virgin Mary because she was going to be the mother of Christ.

2. Divine motherhood: The Virgin Mary is truly human mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

3. Her perpetual virginity Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit, so it always remained a virgin.

4. Her assumption into heaven : The Virgin Mary, at the end of his life, was raised body and soul to Heaven.

• Remember and honor Mary as Mother of all men.

Mary always looks after us and helps us in everything we need. She helps us to overcome temptation and keep the state of grace and friendship with God to get to Heaven. Mary is the Mother of the Church.

• Reflect on the main virtues of the Virgin Mary.

Mary was a woman of deep prayer life, always lived close to God. She was humble, ie simple, was generous, she forgot herself to give to others, had great love, loved and helped everyone equally, it was helpful, attending to Joseph and Jesus with love, live with happiness, was patient with his family, knowing accept the will of God in their lives.
• Live real and true devotion to Mary.

is that we strive to live as his children. This means

a. Look at Mary as a mother: Tell what happens to us all: the good and bad. Come to know her at all times.

b. Show our affection: Doing what she expects of us and remember it throughout the day.

c. Rely on it: All Jesus gives thanks, pass through the hands Mary, and it is she who intercedes with her Son for our difficulties.

d. Imitate her virtues: This is the best way to show our love.

• Pray especially family prayer dedicated to Mary.

The Church offers us beautiful prayers as the Angelus (who used to pray at noon), the Regina Caeli, the Consecration to Mary and the Rosary. Several sentences Marianas

• Sing songs dedicated to Mary
That helps us remember the great love of our mother to us, their children


Come and let us all with flowers with flowers
that Mary is our Mother.
Here again we have pure maiden
beautiful than the moon prostrate at your feet.
come to offer flowers underfloor
with much love and desire You see Lady.


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who has gone to your sponsorship, implored your help, or request your help, has been Ti abandoned. Inspired by this confidence, I come to Thee, I seek refuge in Thee, I moan sinner before You. Not like, oh Mother of the Eternal Word!, Despise my prayers, but rather, listen to them positively, and do what I beg. Amen.

Invokes the Holy Name of Mary

M adre my most beloved, in every moment of my life, remember me, miserable sinner. Hail Mary.
A cueducto of divine graces, give me plenty of tears to mourn my sins. Hail Mary.
R eina of heaven and earth, I know my shield and defense in the temptations of my enemies. Hail Mary. I
nmaculada daughter of Joachim and Anna, get me in your most holy Son the grace I need for my salvation. Hail Mary.
A bogada and refuge of sinners, assist me at the moment of my death and open the doors of heaven.


SONG: Under your protection

We fly to thy patronage, O Holy Mother of God, prayer desoigas our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever-Virgin, glorious and blessed !

Sources: Catholic
divinaa Lighting
net. Angel Corbalán

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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San García Abad!

This year will be 11 groups, began on Saturday May 7 and will end on Sunday May 22 of this 2011. Children are a total of 156, our parish will receive their First Communion. Both our pastor, Rev. Jose Carlos Del Valle, as catechists, coordinated by Maribel Correro have prepared together with parents of children, this ceremony does so excited Catholics in its infancy.

In session Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00 and 12:00 Masses, different groups are celebrating this ceremony so important for children, parents and sponsors, such as First Communion.

First Communion is celebrated in a solemn mass, which differs from a common mass that it will be dedicated exclusively for the special child who will receive Jesus Christ for the first time.

Then we will comment as led and conducted the ceremony. Entry

Our pastor, José Carlos, left the churchyard and there delivered a speech Welcome to children all very beautiful and with great enthusiasm, entered the temple in procession.

This entry is a symbol of welcome to all the People of God, represented by friends and relatives, give your child a member of the Church from this day to participate more closely in the life, growth and strengthening of the Body Mystical.

In front of the assembly were the parents and godparents of the child to remain at his side throughout the ceremony because they were the ones who introduced him to the Christian life in baptism, the baptismal vows made on their behalf and committed to teaching the faith and help always on his way to sainthood. The First Communion of his son and godson is a step you take in fulfilling that commitment.


In a First Communion Mass, readings, psalm and Gospel were read and recited by children, the logic of first-time excitement in these ceremonies.

During the Gospel reading for our pastor, children, listen carefully, being aware that it is the same God who is speaking in a personal way and with a specific message for him or her.


In a First Communion Mass, the homily is fully addressed to the child and his family. Our pastor, explained the content of the readings and the meaning of the sacrament which the child is about to receive, but did so in a language accessible to the child, addressing him by name and talking about their reality as a son, brother, friend and student.

Children, listen carefully. It is God who speaks through the priest and his words may leave an indelible mark on the soul of the child. Keep in mind that this is possibly the only sermon that addressed especially to hear him throughout his childhood and youth.

Renewal of baptismal promises

After the homily, Children stood with their parents and godparents and took out the renewal of baptismal promises. At this time the candle is lit the Easter candle.

is a very important moment, because the child knowingly makes promises that the day of baptism godparents made on their behalf. At that time the child verbally pronounce renunciation of Satan, his pomps and his works comes to Jesus Christ forever.

The prayer of the faithful

At this point the meeting, all present stood together to call aloud to God for the faithfulness and holiness of the child who made their First Communion. Also asked about things that matter to the whole Church: the Pope, the sick and the poor health of the grandparents, the repose of the deceased in the family, marriage and fidelity of their parents, in harmony siblings living together and the needs of family members.

These particular requests were made and thus repeated in these ceremonies in our church, for children who star in this ceremony.
All present joined in prayer for special intentions of the family.


All attendees stood up and uttered aloud the prayer of the Creed in which are summarized in twelve articles all the truths of the Catholic faith.

The child making First Communion confirms their faith in front of everyone present. By saying the word 'I' says that he forgets all human prejudices to be dropped to trust in the hands of God the Father Almighty declares que está seguro de que Jesucristo es el Salvador de los hombres y que siguiendo sus enseñanzas encontrará la felicidad; declara que confía en las luces que le dará el Espíritu Santo; declara a la Iglesia como camino de salvación y su fe en la vida eterna que le dará un sentido trascendente a todas sus acciones.

La liturgia Eucarística.
El ofertorio

En esta parte de la Misa, el niño que hará la primera Comunión lleva las ofrendas, el pan y el vino al altar, y el sacerdote se las presenta a Dios ofreciéndoselas para que se conviertan en el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo.

At this time the child making his First Communion offered to God his life, his aims and intentions, their love, their strengths and weaknesses, so that He sanctify and serve the good of the Church.


is the most solemn Mass which performs the real transformation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
God is present and expressed his great love again accepting the sacrifice of His Son that the child making his First Communion come to be closely united to Him

We see this wonderful mystery of love with the greatest respect and devotion and take the time to worship God in the Eucharist and thank him for his great love for mankind.


is the highlight of the ceremony, in which the child finally receive Jesus Christ under the species of bread and wine. The priest proceeds to the child and pronounce the words "The Body and Blood of Christ" to which the child responds "Amen", showing their faith in the sacrament in their own language and receive the consecrated wafer dipped in wine.

Then in addition to receiving Jesus, the child joins with joy and love to the whole Church, all Christians, getting the food that will give eternal life.

After communion is kept the sacred silence, in which the child comes into an intimate conversation with Jesus, thanking him for all he has received: life, faith, family, the precious gift of the Eucharist , asking forgiveness for all the times that did not behave as a worthy son of God and fell into sin and asking for the graces necessary to be a better Christian every day. This prayer always seems to end with a specific objective of improving life.

The final blessing

The ceremony ends with the blessing, which on the occasion of the First Communion is done in a more solemn than usual. Here the

our pastor, José Carlos, asking God to bless especially the child and his family to grant them the graces necessary to live fully as children of God's faithfulness and members of the Church.

And as we are in May, Month of Mary, Our Lady of Grace, we pray and we sing to our Mother, Mother of God.

After the ceremony, the children with their parents and godparents, they looked very happy and posing for photographs and thousands of willing to meet so many relatives and friends who had come from everywhere to celebrate with him or her, this great ceremony is an important day for Christians.

(Relatives from all over, in front of the Church of San García Abad.)


Divine Illumination
Angel Corbalán