Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Can Someone Get Foot And Mouth Disease Twice

False Concern Lanata

Thanks to the blog " Eggs and Ideas " remember the farewell letter he wrote when he left Lanata Journal Critics abandoned to their fate and that of their workers. He said at the end of that letter:
"It's funny and pathetic being run by left Clarin newspaper that she lived and did big business with the military (newsprint, along with The Nation), managed by the woman who is suspected of appropriating the children of the disappeared, which implements the terror as labor policy (not, for example, internal committee) hold in an unsigned article that criticism "recently moderated his position on Kirchner" is so clumsy that it is naive. "Lanata goes by the fall in sales," said Clarín After clarifying that the IVC had no figures but claims the market. Criticism has, however, figures IVC: February Clarín Sunday fell 61,875 and 26,213 copies Monday through Friday. Even higher figures for average 250,000 copies Clarín. The newspaper that illegally mounted Radio Mitre, who won 13 of Menem Canal and managed the merger of the cable monopoly Kirchner accuses us of lack of independence. Clarín not bear to not be afraid. I would have liked, at least give this fight to Robert Noble, its creator, and not as a lobbyist and the muscle-flexing Magnetto Hector M. Kirschbaum, increasingly bent to say yes. Nothing to say about us will change the image that you have to look in the mirror. "
However, no doubt soon have his little Jorge Lanata TN. And is doing well. It is assumed that a journalist like him should be investigated thoroughly. Nothing says now of the rights of workers charts delayed the departure day. Nothing says that 8 years ago are in conflict. Nothing says Clarin was printed and distributed the same, although with delays. Lanata played all the lies of the Clarin group, as the nonsense that it was something promoted by the Government and Moyano. Lanata he even claimed that the police crack down on those families who spent the night at the door of the company claiming their rights. And he said police failed to act because it left "line." With the widest freedom, private channel almost national they say victims of censorship. Anyone can believe them?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Transferring Ownership Of A Trailer In Ontario

humorous true for Augustine

Through this blog we learn the true story of "A Miracle for Augustine" . Aníbal Fernández, in his blog, calls for: " Dr. Josefa Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Hospital Garrahan, explains quite clearly the situation of the brothers Bustos Fierro. I recommend you pay attention to the official position on the case. "

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Old Ballard Cornbread Mix

A must-see video

is the revenge of all those who suffer from the bureaucracy personified by lazy officials and malicious.
A pleasure to see, and know I'm not the only one that walks around with a stapler in her bag every morning, heh, heh ...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Harvesting Horseradish

Arnaldo Pérez Handle Llosa's doubts Clarín

Following the controversy, Vargas Llosa writes an editorial in the newspaper El Pais (English group Prisa), reproduced here by The Nation.
is a compendium of clichés, from the title ("Piqueteros intellectual"):
"censorship", " Obedient, populist", " Peronism has played a decisive the economic and cultural decline, " first world country," essentialist nationalism somewhat primitive and flight standards " " a left as in Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, has been able to renew", " A new Cuba", " Chavez government's increased repression," Kirchner piqueteros "," confrontation between civilization and barbarism, "" ask me to censor " are some of the zonceras that, so far from prose pamphlet literature, writes the Nobel Prize.
with height and flight replied Horacio Gonzalez, who is perhaps the only mistake he has committed is to have signed on as Director of the National Library that asked the organizers of the Frankfurt Book Fair. This response signature as an essayist:
" No one wanted to prevent his lectures, now we ask you to give if possible with the themes of this debate, which are adequately informed about the ideas that charge, and Once completed, try to expose their ideas knightly, as once knew it. The city we all want to see without the viscous world of orders and dark powers you very well characterized and criticized in his earlier writings, waits for a worthy debate. Do not steal it with these easy to rush to the wrong useless. "

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kate Nash - Mouthwash Note

Gatuno Humor ... the style

Gaturro is incredible, I always draws a roar of laughter ... Nik
is a genius.
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Masterbation Audition

Another example of "independent journalism," the newspaper Clarín. As shown in the image, not to bear good news. Were unanimous favorable impact of the new system of processing and printing of passports. What once took hours and for what he had to endure tremendous ranks, now made in minutes, by the State, without intermediary firms and the same cost. And valid for ten years as opposed to the 5 before. And if you do not have the new ID, you do so at the same time and same place.
But then, as Clarín could not find any counter, went to speak with an employee who, not surprisingly on the first day, we plenteó "some doubt." Ready, and had the title pessimistic.
Fortunately or their own readers come into play. In the same spirit insidious did a survey. Nothing will go as expected:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good Gifts For Grandma After Stroke

Macri, Republican MiKetti

Mauricio Macri seems strange the days when his friends ruled without elections. The time when the Martinez de Hoz ruled for friends. He had no hesitation in declaring :
"not to worry about when you vote or who is the candidate. That does not change the lives of the people "
Oh no? What is Mauri vote, then? Is it only to ensure the business of your friends?

Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Access Kates Playground

The intellectual Gabriela

The Digital Journal DR (Dominican Republic) titled "President offers dinner to Latin American intellectuals." Among the intellectuals include such Felipe Solá! and Gabriela MiKetti!.
Viewing the video below does not We can but agree with who wrote the note. Mmmmm

Cheaters Movie Korean Free Watch

The Valley of the Moon is in San Juan

This time I left some very nice images, downloaded from the Internet, that will get the Valle de la Luna, a magical place that harkens back to the Triassic period of the Secondary Era, that is about 248 million years which was characterized by the expansion of the first dinosaurs and mammals.

This place us back in time, we can see the greatness of creation. Although no one has been declared Wonders of the World, should be declared as such because it is a unique corner of the planet.

is located about 330 km from the capital of San Juan and 80 in San Agustin del Valle Fertil. The park features a bizarre landscape, where the scarcity of vegetation, more varied palette of their soils and caprice in the shapes of the mountains make it a favorite haunt for tourists, both domestic and foreign.

Although a scientist, you can go on a guided tour by private car with a guide of the Park, which performs stations or stops and explains the site visited.

These images show several unique spots in the park. To you which ones you like best?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Phrases For The Word Gold

rollers do not